Tutorial Tuesday (Preempted… again)

I know everybody’s busy these days. I had everything under control until the universe dogpiled a bunch of unexpected work on me. I worked feverishly on Christmas stuff all of last week and didn’t get a tutorial together, thinking I had time. But… My son’s hospital bed is being delivered on Friday, more than a month sooner than it was promised. I have to pack up everything in his room so we can get his current bed apart and out of the way…. on top of the usual December crazy-busy stuff. We’re excited about the bed, but not about the work. 🙁 I promise I’ll have the Challenge Spotlight up for you all next week. Again, I apologize for not being more on top of things.



  1. No apologies necessary, family always comes first.

  2. Thank you Mary.

  3. Susan Kolarik says

    Take care of your family and yourself. Have a blessed holiday.

  4. ALWAYS family first!

  5. Joyce Bednarz says

    No apologies necessary; take care of family, first and always!

  6. December is such a hectic time of year without extra demands on your time. Take care of your family needs and we will patiently wait for your next great tutorial!

  7. Family first always, take care and don’t worry about us. Enjoy the holiday.

  8. No worries Jan. Life happens! And in the scheme of things, what your facing unexpectedly comes first.is definitely more important. Take a deep breath. We understand.

  9. Kat LeFevre says

    I agree, family first! That’s way more important. Don’t forget to take care of yourself, too–you can’t pour from an empty cup.

  10. Take care of your family and yourself.  

  11. You ladies are all so gracious! I so appreciate you. The theme for this week seems to be “expect the unexpected” or “if you want to see God laugh, tell Him your plans”. I’m exhausted, but have the room 90% ready for tomorrow’s delivery. I’ll need to vacuum the carpet and dust the baseboards, then move my car, and we’re good to go. Thank you all again for being so supportive.

  12. Kathi granny5pics says

    Family comes first, and that includes forgiving yourself too. We just can’t do it all all the time. Your tutorials are always great, life gets in the way of all of us sometimes. We’ll see you next week–or the following if you still need more time! ‘Tis the season for a lot to happen. Take care.