It’s time for our weekly $2.00 deals! Stop by the $2.00 Tuesday & Wednesday section of the shop to see what we have to offer this week, January 9 & 10, 2024. Here is a peek of some of the items included this week:
We also have a class from Digital Scrapper that is discounted for our GingerScraps family. Scroll down to the bottom of the newsletter for that info.
Remember, spend $10 in the store and you’ll get this collab for free. I just love those snowmen and pengiuns.
Let’s see some of the new items in the store this week.
NEW partnership sale with The Digital Scrapper!
I just finished my week 1 page, I love the templates and all the prompts, I’m excited to continue on My Everyday Life for the 2024 year!
Tell the story of your everyday life using hundreds of photos, a priceless collection of tiny stories, and a handful of beautifully designed scrapbook pages.
Stories, My Everyday Life includes: 50% off — NOW $36
- 4 styles of 12×12 grayscale templates
- Step-by-step PDF manual
- Action for splitting double pages and sharing
- Private Class Forum & Community Gallery
Have you gotten started on your January Challenges? Complete any 10 challenges and get this collab as a reward.