Fresh Baked & $1.50 Bake Sale *NOW OPEN* @ GingerScraps

Happy Friday scrappers!! We’re serving up some creative treats for you this week! Check out our latest Fresh Baked products — bursting with new designs and perfect for all your digital scrapbooking projects. Plus, it’s time to dig into our $1.50 Bake Sale, where you’ll find incredible deals on select products!

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab.

Now let’s see what new items are in the store you can use on those new (or old) memories.

AND the $1.50 Bake Sale starts NOW too!! Here is a peak of what is included this month

If you complete any 10 challenges this month, you get this gorgeous collab as a reward! (Or a variety of other choices, visit the forum for all the details).

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