Lots of great sales going on over at GingerScraps!!! You wont want to miss this 🙂
And todays Speed Scrap @11:00 am PST has a SWEET prize!!!!
Go check it out 🙂
Lots of great sales going on over at GingerScraps!!! You wont want to miss this 🙂
And todays Speed Scrap @11:00 am PST has a SWEET prize!!!!
Go check it out 🙂
So let’s get to know our winner a little bit better!
What is your name? Lisa
Where do you live? Beautiful Coast of Maine
Do you have a blog? www.fairydustscraps.blogspot.com
How long have you been scrapping? approx. 2.5 years
What is your favorite GingerScraps product? Any of the spotlight kits by Misty O’Brien and I’m not just saying that because I am on her CT, I love those kits, I think they are gorgeous.
What is your scrapping weakness? I take way to long trying to find the perfect kit and downloading freebies, I am a freebie addict, but aren’t we all?
Scrapping strength? I love white space and think I do an ok job with it
What is your favorite LO you’ve ever made (besides this winning one?): Garrett
What is on your mouse pad? a free mouse pad that I got in the mail from my credit union
How do you like your eggs cooked? definately scrambled
If you had to pick a favorite toe, which would it be? my big toe
Do you put your shoes on sock, sock, shoe, shoe, or sock, shoe, sock, shoe? HUH??? I am confused……………LOL
Congrats again Lisa!! You’ve done a fabulous job and we’ve loved hearing more about you!
Hey everyone, Laura here, and Welcome to Gingerscraps’ first ever Word on the Street Game!Here is a hint…although this letter is hidden, it will stand out from the rest. Look carefully at my blog, put your mind to the test!
Get out a pen and some paper!
Once you are ready, continue on to Jodi’s blog –>https://www.statementsbyjodi.com/.
Please note that Gingerscraps team members come from far and wide! There may be differences in time zones. Please be patient if someone does not have their letter posted yet ; )
Also, this blog hop starts at the GS site blog… so if your joining somewhere in the middle make sure you make your way all around! Good Luck and Have fun!!!
Here’s how it works:
Somewhere on this blog I have hidden a secret letter and you have to find it! This letter makes part of a secret 9 letter word. Find the letter on my blog and continue to the next blog on the train to get the next letter, and the next and the next! When you get to the end of the train, you will have a complete word. Enter that word into the search engine at Gingerscraps shop and it will turn up a special selection of products that are at a SUPER sale price! Are you ready?
Today we have a freebie from Miss Erin’s Scraps! It’s the alpha that comes with her “Just Be You” kit.
Come back next week for more freebies.
Also, check this out! It starts at midnight tonight!
It’s that time again and this week the GingerBread ladies have gone all out! Let’s get the ball rolling!
First, take a look at this gorgeous quick page set made with “In the Purple Spotlight” by Misty O’Brien. This 8 page album was created by her superstar CT member, Monica. You will receive eight 12×12 Quick Pages that allow you to add up to 23 photos! Only $3.00.
Created by Misty’s CT girl Adriana, we have another beautiful QP set made with “In the Emerald Spotlight”. You will receive eight 12×12 Quick Pages that allow you to add up to 17 photos! $3.00
Our next item straight from the oven is a wonderful set of Alpha’s made to coordinate with “In the Emerald Spotlight”. Included in this bonus alpha set are two lowercase alphas. One is felt and the other is glitter. Grab them now for only $2.00!
Jen of Graham like the Cracker has a wonderful new fall kit out this week called “An Orchard Harvest”. This kit is filled with a TON of elements! Felt, craft paper and real elements are the perfect compliment to your apple picking or pumpkin carving pictures. They also make great layouts of your little “dumpling” or “pumpkin”. This kit includes 17 papers and over 40 elements all for a great price of $5.00.
Aren’t those some great colors? If you liked that then I’m sure you’ll love this. An Orchard Harvest has an Add-on! This coordinating mini is slightly more formal than the rest of the kit, but coordinates perfectly to dress up your layouts. It’s only $2.50.
But wait! There’s more! No kit is complete without some bling. These are the Photoshop ASL glitter styles to compliment the kit. It comes with all 6 colors used (Red, Gold, Pumpkin, Green, Plum, and Chocolate.) It also comes with 6 12×12 jpeg glitter sheets for non-photoshop users. Finally it contains 3 glittered fruits. A full sized glitter apple, pear and pumpkin finish off this fun glitter pack! All of this is only $3.00.
And even more! An Orchard Harvest has an Alpha! Head over to the shop and grab it now for $2.00!
This is a rustic typewriter alpha colored on the gradient, so no two letters are the same! If you want to have it all, you can! The kit, the add-on, the alpha, and the glitter styles, all for one great price! The bundle is $7.60 through Friday! So hurry and get your copy today!
Want to see what this kit can do? Check out these great CT layouts:
Such awesome stuff this week. Would you like to see more? Perfect! Here’s a kit to scrap all those playful days. Perfect for boys and their toys! Stephanie of Scrappy Cocoa has this darling kit called “Work Zone”.
This kit includes 15 Papers, a full alpha and over 40 elements! Check out this smashing CT layout by Jak:
Last, but definitely not least, we have the beautiful kit “Just Be You” by Miss Erin Scraps.
We all have them-that special someone in your life who you would never change a thing about. Whether it be your children, your significant other, your mom, your dad, any family member, a best friend, this kit will prove to be versatile for an endless number of occasions! 25% off through Sunday, November 8!
This kit includes 10 papers, 11 wordarts, over 25 elements and this dazzling Alpha set composed with a font of funky uppers and lowers mixed. Numbers and punctuation included.
Click the image to be taken over to Erin’s blog for a little freebie surprise!
Check out this kit in action. Here are some layouts by Erin’s lovely CT:
That’s all I’ve got for you today! Now head on over to the shop and make sure you spend all your money in one place!
Before I forget, let me remind you of our Speed Scrap a Day! Head on over to the forum and check out this month’s schedule.
Happy Scrapping!
The Freebie post has been moved to Thursday so stay tuned Thursday for some more freebies!
Angela asked in the forum if we could do a tutorial on how to make templates, so today I am going to attempt to show you all how to make a template. I will be using Photoshop CS3 but my steps will apply to all programs that use layers. So you will be able to use this tutorial (with a little adjusting) to Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, Phothshop Elements, Paint.net, Gimp and other programs like those.
First you need to decide what kind of layout you want to make. Do you want to make a 12×12 or an 8.5×11? I am going to do this tutorial in 12×12 but again you can adjust to make yours work for an 8.5×11 if you would rather. So now that you know your size go ahead and make your blank canvas remembering to set it at 300 dpi for print quality. So my blank canvas will be 12 inches by 12 inches (3600 pixels X 3600 pixels) at 300 dpi (pixels/inch). Now pick a gray color and fill in that layer with your fill bucket. This will be your background. To make my blank canvas I go to file, new, and then a box pops up with my dimensions on it. It will look something like this.
I think I might have gotten ahead of myself. Although you can make a great template from scratch, it might be easier for first timers to choose a LO that they really like and use it as a guide. So go ahead and pick a LO of your own that you really like. I will wait…lol. Ok now you are going to copy the look of this LO. I am going to use this LO to make my own template.
Now that I have a LO picked out I can get back to my template. Every LO is going to have a background so your first step is still ok. Now depending on the LO that you picked out will determine what you do next. Most cases you are going to want to plot out where the photos are going to go. Mine has the one blended into the background (That I will leave up to the person using the template of course) and then a mix and match of pictures and papers. So I will plot out those squares. They have a slight curve on the edges so I am going to use a shape for these. If yours is a circle, square or rectangle you can just use your marque tool. I will show you both ways.
Keep in mind that each shape will be on it’s own layer, and each layer should be named so the person using your template will know just by looking at the layers where everything goes.
Make a new layer, pick your shape or shape marque (first I will do a marque). Make your selection and if you are using the marque, fill in the selection with another gray color (different than your background gray color).
Notice how I have made a new layer, set my shape with the marque, filled it in with a different gray, and named my layers. Now if you have that same shape repeated in your LO like I do, you can duplicate that layer and drag those boxes around the page. Now the cool thing about CS is that you can use these cool guide lines. I will show you that next after I show you how to use a shape.
My papers and pictures have rounded edges so I am going to use a shape now. Pick out your shape.
Now hold the shift key and drag it out. Shift key holds it’s true shape.
Now you can see that your shape is a shape so just click on your fill bucket and click with it on your shape layer. It will give you a pop up like this, click ok and you have your template shape.
Now I have duplicated the image I wanted to duplicate and I have placed them on my LO using my guides. Not all programs have this guide (PSE does not) but if you have photoshop and want to use it go to View and then check rulers and then using your mouse click somewhere on the ruler and drag it out. The top ruler will make Horizontal lines and the left side ruler will make Vertical lines.
I also added my drop shadows to the blocks. Don’t forget to add shadows to your layers.
Now that we have all of the papers and photos placed I want to show people where they can place elements. I am going to use shapes for this as well.
Alright, I have all my shapes placed now except for my title. I added a shape for my journal box and all my elements. Now I just need to add the words. I need words in the journal box to show were to journal. And I need a big title for the big title. Here’s what it looks like before the words.
Now for words. Not everyone has the same font so we are going to want to turn the font layers into images. First select your text tool and write your words. They are just going to say things like “Title” “Big Title” “journal, journal, journal, journal” and so on.
As you can see the text layers are still in text form, but like I said before not everyone has the same fonts as you so we are going to turn those text layers into image layers. Create a new layer below the text layer, select both layers and right click on the blank layer, now “merge layers” don’t merge visible because it will merge all your layers and you won’t be happy. Of course there is always undo lol.
Now I can add a drop shadow to my title and my template is finished. I hope you found this tutorial helpful!
I know that car looks so out of place lol but I couldn’t find a toilet and I wanted a big and wide element place holder.
If you would like to share your template please upload them into the Ginger Scraps gallery, under the section for Blog Challenges, and in the “credits” area just put the 4shared link so we can snag it! You can download mine by clicking on the preview below.
Hey all, Jillian here! How did your Halloween go? Did you all have a great holiday? I saw a ton of awesome costumes out there and it gave me a lot of ideas for next year. I got away with picking out my daughters costume this time around, but I’m thinking by the next Halloween, she’ll be old enough that she won’t want what mommy likes. But, hopefully I’ll still have a little influence because I saw some of the most adorable Tinkerbell costumes ever!! She would be so cute! Anyway, thanks for stopping by the Ginger Scraps Blog!
Today I have a little treat for you but first I want to remind everyone that we still have our Speed Scrap A Day. Now that’s it’s November, we’ve had a chance to get ourselves together and we’re ready for those speed scraps! Here’s a look at the coming week:
Mon Nov 2 – Marie
5:30pm PST
6:30pm MST
7:30pm CST
8:30pm EST
2:30am next day CET
Tues Nov 3 – Misty
9pm PST
10pm MST
11pm CST
12am next day EST
6am next day CET
Wed Nov 4 – Jodi
4pm PST
5pm MST
6pm CST
7pm EST
1am next day CET
Thurs Nov 5 – Laura/Char
9pm PST
10pm MST
11pm CST
12am next day EST
6am next day CET
Fri Nov 6 – TBA
Sat Nov 7 – Lorry
11am PST
12pm MST
1pm CST
2pm EST
8pm CET
Sun Nov 8 – Jillian
12pm PST
1pm MST
:2pm CST
3pm EST
9pm CET
Don’t forget to stop by our scrap today hosted by our Lovely Maria! She’ll be getting things started at 5:30 PST. Even if you can’t stay for the scrap, stop in and say hello! There might be a RAK for some lucky Speed Scrap attendees!
Speaking of goodies! I have a coupon from Miss Erin’s Scraps that is dieing to get into the hands of some lucky scrapbookers! All you have to do is head over to the forum, pick out a November Challenge, make a layout, upload it to the gallery, come back here and post a link! (This opportunity ends November 8th at 11:59PM PST) I can’t wait to see your layouts!
Happy Scrapping!
We actually had two LOTW winners this week!
Congrats to our winning layouts!!
What an amazing, purpley layout!
A perfect fall layout!
Today we are going to take the time to get to know aevans96!
What is your name? Angela
Where do you live? Pennsylvania
Do you have a blog? angelascustomcreations.blogspot.com
How long have you been scrapping?
I started paper scrapping about 8 years ago and switched to Digi in March of this year.
What is your favorite GingerScraps product?
There’s a few. I really love the kits The Solider and Jack O’Lantern. But outside of kits I love the Cardboard by Harmonystar.
What is your scrapping weakness?
Using Brackets lol. I see others use them and they look great. But I just hit a wall If I have to use them.
Scrapping strength?
I guess I’m best at extractions. I’m getting pretty fast. I did 2 for a SS.
What is your favorite LO you’ve ever made (besides this winning one?) Well I have 3 favoriates but If I have to choose one I guess I would choose ‘Beauty’
I did it a SS back in August and It’s one of the 1st LO’s I ever printed. It’s my Friends Daughter. Matter of fact most of my LO’s come from SS’s lol. I guess I think to hard on my own.
What is on your mouse pad? It’s plain black.
How do you like your eggs cooked? Scrambled
If you could do any kind of work and knew you wouldn’t fail, what would you do?
Getting a job in Graphic Design in someone’s business or being successful at my own making stuff for others.
What’s something that can always make you feel better?
Scrapbooking lol. It’s a total stress reliever for me.
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
My initial reaction is to read people’s minds. But, I think my feelings would get hurt to know what some people think. Not to mention would it ever be quite? lol. I think that I would have to choose teleporting. I think it would be great after a long day of shopping with tons of bags. Instead of walking to the car and then driving all the way home I would just teleport me and my stuff. I think it would come in really handy. Plus I would save money on hotels 🙂
It is so great to get to know you better Angela!! Thanks for playing!
Hey everyone! Laura here to tell you about all the fine LO’s that have been submitted by the CT’s for Layout of the week! Now it’s up to you all to vote for your favorite! Head on over to the forum to vote!!!!
And of coure, the honorable mentions!! Our first one if from the Queen of Gingerscraps
OK now go VOTE!! See ya next week with some more fabulous layouts!
We have some SUPER cute fresh baked goodies for you all today!!!
First up, is this adorable girly kit is perfect for the girly-girl in your life!
A collaboration between Karen Lewis Designz and Wyld Web Designs, Giggly Shop Hop is full of sweet and fun elements for the little diva in your life!
And it is 20% off NOW!
By Laura
By Jenn
By Becka
By Me (Ginger)
And that not all from Char this week!! This next kit is the one you need for those pictures of our kids when they do something naughty!
“Inspired by my son, who I frequently (but lovingly!) call Little Stinker, this kit reminds me of all the crazy and naughty things he does!”
And it is 20% off NOW!
A few of the many wonderful LO’s form the Wyld Graham Crackers CT. Wish we could show them all!! But you can always head over to the GingerScraps Gallery to see more 🙂
By Becka
By Laura
By Catgoddess
Next up and Just in time for Halloween….Miss Erin gives us Halloween Town!
“The most mystical time of year is Halloween and to remember and preserve those memories is like to capture a little piece of magic frozen in time forever.
This kit comes with 42 magically spooky elements, including a psd file to make your own digital labels (plain blank label in png format also included).
Also included are 14 fun papers in bright solids, silly patterns, and even one scene page! And don’t forget the alpha! It comes in upper and lowercase, including numbers, punctuation, and even a couple European accent symbols added by request! ”
Miss Erin has some very spooktacular treats for you too!!!
Keep reading till the end for some GREAT freebies!! One is even CU!!! AND- One lucky person can win Halloween Town! Miss Erin has a super fun little game going on on her blog.. and I have been given permission to revel the first secret clue here on this blog as well!!
Be sure to check Miss Erins blog each day this week for the rest of the clues
Halloween Town is 25% off NOW!
By Nona
By Blanka
Keep on going to get some awesome treats from Miss Erin!!!!…..
And a shameless plug… since it is almost Halloween.. and I am the Queen after all…
I recently did a little update on Jack-O-Lantern
This kit as all about pumpkins!! Perfect for pictures of your carved masterpiece 🙂 Your trip to the pumpkin patch, or your fall and Halloween photos.
Jack-O-Lantern is %50 off till November 1st!
Next up we have a great new template set from Steph- aka- Scrappy Cocoa
A few litttle examples of the some of the templates in action:
And finally we have a fun and bright kit by Jen- Graham Like The Cracker- Movers and Shakers
“Inspired by my son’s favorite Saturday morning band, this highly textured kit is sure to brighten up your pages. It includes over 40 felt, paper, and metal elements plus 12 papers for scrapping all of your little mover’s imaginative moments on the go.”
And it is 20% off NOW!!
By Jenn
And Finally some GOODIES!!! Miss Erin has some great treats for you!!
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