Let’s Meet a Designer: Wyld Web Design: Charmaine

What is your name and your Digi-scrap blog address? Charmaine of Wyld Web Designs, https://wyldwebdesigns.com/wordpress/
Tell us a little bit about your family.
I’m a mom to two terrific kids, Lilah and Casey, who are almost 3 and 1 years old. My husband of nearly 5 years is my best friend and my family is the most important thing in my life.
What other hobbies do you have besides designing and scrapping?
There’s other stuff? Uh, I guess reading, hiking and playing games with friends (board games, Rockband, dominoes, etc)
How did you get started designing and scrapping?
I started scrapping after I was tired of making signature tags for other people on a message board. I quickly became addicted to making pages of my gorgeous family! I had no intentions of designing until Jen of “Graham Like the Cracker” designs talked me into joining a design challenge and here I am, just a few months later!
How long have you been designing?
I forget the start date, but its only been 2 or 3 months.
Which programs do you use to design?
Primarily Photoshop, but I also use Illustrator and Art Rage for some things. Oh, and my beloved Nikon D80 🙂
Do you draw most of your items with a mouse, hand draw and scan, or do you use your camera? I draw my doodles with my Bamboo tablet and I use my camera for many other things such as ribbons, buttons, etc. I occasionally use my scanner, but I don’t like the quality as much.
Where does your inspiration usually come from?
Tough question. From all over. A lot of my kits are kind of reflections of my personality and life, so I guess I just have to say my life!
How did you pick your design name?
My husband runs a web design business from home so I just added myself to his business. The “Wyld” portion of the name is part of his favorite username on the internet.
Who are your favorite three designers?
Yikes, I have to pick?? Ok, well going strictly on who owns the most hard drive space on my computer, I would have to say Ziggle Designs, Ellie Lash and Flergs.
What is your favorite part of a kit to design?
The doodles 🙂
What is the weirdest thing you have used as a texture?
A fake leaf from the garden of Pixie Hollow at Disneyland that I took while waiting in line to see Tinkerbell 🙂
What is your favorite kit that you have designed?
My favorite kit that I have designed isn’t in the store yet! But it will be soon! My favorite in the store is probably my Good Clean Fun kit:

What is your least favorite? Hands down, my first kit ever designed. Its scary. We shall not show that off 🙂
How do you get started on a kit? Palette first? Rough idea on what you want your papers or elements to look like? I usually just start with a rough concept or idea, then I need a palette before I can get any farther. After I pick colors then I usually make most of my papers first, then I can get the elements I want.
How long does it typically take you to make a kit? I can rarely get a kit done from start to finish in one session. It takes me anywhere from 2 to 7 days to put a kit together. Total hours is probably over 12.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? My weight.
What is the one word that best describes you? Smart.
Who is the most important person in your life? My husband.
What is something that not many people know about you? I played varsity rugby in university. (Jen editing it here: Char is CANADIAN!)
If you could travel anywhere where would you go? Australia
When you were little what did you dream of being when you grew up? Older LOL. I always wanted to be an artist, I guess this is kind of realizing a dream for me (warning, moment of self-realization incoming!). I always used to draw and doodle and sign it with a fake name, like I was using a pseudonym because I was so “famous”. Ahh the good old days 🙂
What do you like doing with your family? We love going camping! I can’t wait for camping season to start!
Where is your favorite place to be?
At home in front of my computer!
Edward or Jacob?
Edward, for sure!
CU or do it your self?
Do it myself. I use a bit of CU, but most of my stuff is my own.

Some other kits in my store:

This is Charmaine’s latest kit, out on Wednesday, a collaboration with Jen of Graham Like the Cracker, called The Seaweed is Always Greener.

You can download the quick page of Charmaine’s layout before you can even buy the kit! Click the image or HERE to download!

NEW at Gingerscraps!

We are excited to announce the next big thing here at Gingerscraps:

We are really excited about this.

Are you an experienced scrapper who has lost your mojo?
Do you want to go to the next level with your layouts?
Do you wonder why your layouts just don’t look “done”?
or are you a brand new scrapper who wants to learn “everything!”?

Join the Gingerscraps team for an intense 6 week basic training course that will help you grow as a scrapper!

We will have weekly tutorials, prizes, CC, and lots of fun! Click on the flyer to sign up in our forum! You have to sign up by Saturday May 2nd, and our first week’s training starts on Sunday, May 3rd. If you do not sign up, you will not have access to the private boot camp forum,

NEW Friday Feature!!

Hi fellow scrappers 🙂
We have come up with a fun new idea for our Friday Features!!!
We are going to start featuring a Layout of the week from the GingerScraps gallery!!!!
And guess what…. if your Layout is selected you will get $5.00 to spend in the GingerScraps shop!!

SOOO this weeks Layout of the week is…..
Toes: By Kimmie

CONGRATS Kimmie!!!
Check your Private Messages at the GingerScraps Forum to get you prize 🙂

Now all you lovely scrappers out there in scrap land, get your fabulous layouts in the gallery and you might just have the layout of the week next week 🙂

Happy Scrapping all, I hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂

We have some awesome stuff planned for National Scrapbooking Day 🙂 You are going to LOVE it !!! More details soon 🙂
Ginger 🙂

Freebies List!

and if you visit this thread you can win Misty’s newest kit, Woodland Park Zoo for free!

Freshly Baked in the Gingerscraps Store!

First up, we have a kit from Misty O’Brien
Named after our favorite zoo in Seattle, this kit is perfect for scrapping all of your zoo outings!

This kit is $3.50. It will be on sale for 20% off through Sunday.

EVERYONE who buys this kit between release day and April 30th will receive her next kit, Romantical for free!!!!! (Coupon expires May 15th).

Next, we have TWO kits from Charmaine at Wyld Web Designs:

A modern take on the heirloom scrapbooking kit! This kit uses a lovely palette of blues and browns with a pop of orange to highlight photos for any occasion!

This kit is $4.00, but is on sale, 25% off until Sunday!

and for her second release,
We all have our favorite pair of blue jeans! This kit is made of textures and elements that remind me of that extra comfortable, indispensable pair of jeans!

This kit is $4.00 and 25% off through Sunday.

Next we have a versital alpha set from Jodi:
These alphas come in a sheet and in individual letters for your personal scrapbooking preferences. This alpha set is $2.00

and from Jen of Graham Like the Cracker, a mini-kit:
This is no ordinary space kit! This black and white beauty can scrap your little astronaut’s space picture’s or go black tie and scrap formal pictures.
It is $3.00 and also on sale for 25% off through Sunday.

and our last, but certainly not least freshly baked item is a kit from Stephanie:
This kit is $3.99 and on sale through Tuesday.

Happy Scrapping everyone!

Let’s Meet a Gingerscraps CT Member, Laura!

What’s your name and digiscrap blog address? Laura www.lauras-little-corner.blogspot.com

Tell us a little about your family. I’m a wife to a Soldier in the Army. We’ve been married for almost 5 years and have one daughter together. She turns 3 in June and is such a special little girl! We also just added a new furbaby to our family!

Do you work outside the home & if so what do you do? Right now I’m a SAHM but I am planning to start cosmetology school at Paul Mitchell this summer as long as Uncle Sam doesn’t move us again!

What other hobbies do you have besides scrapping? Camping, horseback riding, photography, reading, and music are all great passions of mine!

When did you start Digi-scrapping and who taught you? Hmm well, I started traditional scrapbooking when I was pregnant. In February of 2008, I joined a photo editing group and Julie was the owner of it. She always had the coolest pictures and LO’s!!! So with the help of Julie and Ginger, I learned the basics. It grew from there! I owe it all to them J

Are you on any creative teams? Yes! GingerScraps of course, The Hybrid Kid, and Twin Mom Scraps, Wyld Web Designs, and Graham Like the Cracker!

Do you design at all? I’ve dabbled in it. I am in the process of making my very first full kit though and it’s coming along nicely!

What is your favorite challenge here at GingerScraps? The color challenge of course! HAHA just kidding. I love the template and technique challenges.

Who are your favorite three designers? Hmm, do I have to say GingerScraps?? HAHA just kidding! Seriously, I love GingerScraps, Ellie Lash, and Mel_H

What are some of your must have elements? Tags, ribbons, and glitter!

Whose gallery here at GingerScraps do you just love? My fellow CT member Becka! She makes the most gorgeous fantasy LO’s I’ve ever seen! And on a side note, I have to mention that Julie is the Queen of scrapping in my eyes… I bow down to her! LOL

What’s your favorite kit in the store right now? Hmmm I would have to say that right now I’m loving the Designer Collab kit “Spring is in the air”. I have used it for so many of my P365 pages it’s not even funny!

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? To be married to Edward Cullen of course! LOL j/k probably my looks?? I hate my cheeks!!!!
What is the one word that best describes you? Wishy washy

Out of all your LO’s so far, what are your favorite 2 & why? Kylie simply because the picture goes so well with “Kayla’s Quilt”. It’s almost as if the kit was made for the picture! And “Pieces of Me” because I wanted to capture my daughters innocence.

Who is the most important person in your life? My baby girl!
What is something that not many people know about you? Hmmm? I used to play the violin!

If you could travel anywhere where would you go? Back to Germany. It is so beautiful over there and 3 years wasn’t enough to do all the traveling I wanted.

When you were little what did you dream of being when you grew up? I would’t really say I dreamed of being anything. I changed from one week to the next… which explains why I chose the word “wishy washy” to describe me! I can’t ever make up my mind! But, I would say that I always loved doing hair and make-up!

What is your favorite food? I love all food… I can’t narrow it down to just ONE! Come on, that’s ridiculous! Hehe

How did you pick you user name? well, Julie actually picked it for me! LOL I was having a hard time thinking of something and Julie mentioned it and I LOVED it and it stuck!

What do you like doing with your family? Camping, traveling, playing in our yard.

Where is your favorite place to be? Inside my head. My imagination is great!

What are three things that are important to you? God, Family, Friends.

Is there anything you would change about your life? Did I mention already to be married to Edward Cullen??? Again, just kidding! I have an amazing husband who is so strong and amazing. He is more than I could have ever asked for or deserve BUT, to answer the question, I would change the fact that I’m always nervous and anxious. I would love to not have any nerves at all!!!

What are you afraid of? My husband going back overseas.
Do you collect anything? YES! I collect T-shirts! I have so many it’s really ridiculous!

Here is a layout of Laura with her husband. This layout was made with the Gingerscraps kit, The Soldier’s Wife which was inspired by Laura and her husband!

Laura has made this bright and fun quick page for you! Click to download from 4shared. 🙂

Free QP!!

Check out these Totally AWESOME QP’s my sister Julie made for you all!!
SOOO CUTE!!! You can get them free on her blog CLICK HERE

You can get the whole kit a Sunshine Studios 🙂 LIKE TOTALLY AWESOME

YaHoo!! Iam a Sunflower!!!

Hi all 🙂
Do you remember a while ago – that awesome designer contest over at Sunshine Studios?
From the contest a batch of new Sunflowers was chosen. And I (as well as few others) was offered a spot as a Sunflower!!
We have been working very hard to sharpen out designing skills .. and with the help of the wonderful Sunshine girls we are finally ready for our debut!!!!
We all teamed up to offer you some GREAT collabs!!!

Lets stat with Like Totally Awesome- A collab between me (GingerScraps) and JanelScraps
Girl Talk by Katherine of Flutter Expressions with Scraps by Jenn

All Who Wander by Chris Greiser and Mandi of AE Designs.They are all on sale now at Sunshine Studios!!! 🙂 And stay tuned .. we have a few other fun things up our sleeves 🙂

Speed Scrap!

And your participation prize is this quick page that I made from my newest kit that comes out next week, The Seaweed is Always Greener, a collab with my digi-BFF Charmaine of Wyld Web Designs. This kit won’t even be out for a while, so this QP is an easy way to get the goods sooner. 🙂

See you there!

Let’s Meet a Gingerscraps CT Member, Barb!

Let’s meet CT member extroardinaire, Barbara!

What’s your name and digiscrap blog address? My name is Barbara and my blog address is https://ascraptoremember.blogspot.com/
Tell us a little about your family. I’m a 31 year old married mom with one child. My husband and I were wed in Hawaii in 2004 and we welcomed our son Gabe in June of 2007. We are Red Sox fans and live and breath baseball during baseball season! We are currently living in Kentucky, but are planning our move back to Connecticut.
Do you work outside the home & if so what do you do? I work for a company outside of my home, but I work IN my home. I am a techincal support analyst for an insurance company and provide support for 300+ nurses in 6 different states.
What other hobbies do you have besides scrapping? Reading and photography. I also love to cook and bake, but I pretty much have gotten to the point where I make something very simple because Gabe usually wants me to hold him while I am cooking.
When did you start Digi-scrapping and who taught you? I started digi-scrapping July 2008. I joined a few photography editing forums and then was introduced to the idea of digi-scrapping. My layouts were pretty lame when I first started so I browsed galleries to learn what layouts SHOULD look like.
Are you on any creative teams? I proudly scrap for Gingerscraps and Statements by Jodi. I was on a third, but felt overwhelmed trying to manage work, family and scrapping.
Do you design at all? I wouldn’t call what I do designing, but I have created a few alpha freebies and photo masks, but nothing else. I don’t see designing in my future.
What is your favorite challenge here at GingerScraps? My favorite challenge is the Scraplift Challenge. I love to see the way people interpret someone else’s layouts.
Who are your favorite three designers? I don’t have favorites, really, but I do like the work of Jofia Devoe, Gina Huff and of course all of the Gingerscraps Designers. If I didn’t love their designs I wouldn’t be hanging out here so much!
What are some of your must have elements? I love ribbons, stitching and string
Whose gallery here at GingerScraps do you just love? It’s pretty hard to narrow it down because there are so many great layouts. I am picking juliemomof4 because of all of the awesome hybrid stuff.
What’s your favorite kit in the store right now? Oh..there are so many that are cute. Right now I like “Fly Me to the Moon” by Spinky Dink Scraps. It’s just so cute especially for young children.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I’d relax and let my house be messy.
What is the one word that best describes you? detail-oriented (I hyphenated so that is really just one word, right?)
Out of all your LO’s so far, what are your favorite 2 & why? Wow…that is really tough. I have so many that I like right now, so I’ll just pick 2 of my favorites from my recent LO’s. I like “Starry Eyes” because of the angle of the photo and the bright colors in the kit really make the photo pop.

Barb used the Gingerscraps Collab kit, Blast Off! for this layout.

As for “Explore” I love how the colors in the paper really compliment the colors in the photos without overtaking the layout.

Barb used the Statements By Jodi Rainbow Paper pack for this layout.

Who is the most important person in your life? My husband
What is something that not many people know about you? When I was in my teens I asked my mom if she would have all of my children for me so I did not have to go through the pain. She doesn’t let me forget despite having my son without any pain meds. I guess it’s a mother’s job to remind you of silly things you did or said when you were younger!
If you could travel anywhere where would you go? Tahiti
When you were little what did you dream of being when you grew up? I don’t recall ever saying that I wanted to be anything in particular, but I haven’t grown up yet, so I guess I’ll say I want to be a chef when I grow up.
What is your favorite food? Eggplant Parmesan.
How did you pick you user name? My username is NutsAboutGabe and Gabe is my son’s name. I am nuts about the kid! Actually the day I was creating the account my son was wearing a onesie that read “My Mommy is nuts about me!” and there you have it.
What do you like doing with your family?Anything outside, especially going to the park, zoo, and baseball games.
Where is your favorite place to be? Anywhere with my husband and son.
What are three things that are important to you? Honesty, Family, and Baseball
Is there anything you would change about your life? No, it is what it is.
What are you afraid of? Bugs. There have been many instances where I have awoken my husband by hitting him or pulling the sheets off the bed because I am dreaming about bugs being on him or in our bed. Other times I just get up and turn the lights on in the room because I swear there are bugs in the room. All of this is while I am asleep!
Do you collect anything? Other than photos I collect Painted Ponies

Here is another one of Barb’s fabulous layouts!

She used the Graham Like the Cracker kit, Let’s Go Fly a Kite for it. Pssst! It’s on sale in the store right now!

She has a quick page of her layout for you. Click on the preview to download…. Get it while you can, the download link expires Sunday!