Pinterest Challenge {March 2025} Host: Lisa Minor
Welcome to the March 2025 Pinterest Challenge with me, Lisa Minor!
For a Chance to WIN a 5$ coupon to my shop just participate in the Pinterest challenge this month! On (or shortly after) the FIRST of the following month, one participant will be randomly chosen to receive a ONE TIME USE 5$ coupon good for the following month. I will post the winner here and then PM them the code.
ex: March participant winner will receive a coupon that will be good for the entire month of April.
**Please remember to post your layout in the 2025 Pinterest Challenge Gallery as well! Once it is back up and running**
This Month’s Pin-Feathers! I love the watercolor feel to this along with the “almost spring” look to it. From the eggs, feathers, birds and more.
This Pin Says to Me: Birds, spring, feathers, branches, eggs and nest. What does it say to you? Scrap it!
- All challenge layouts must consist of at least 80% GS products from current GS designers.
- Find the FULL list of March 2025 Challenges and RULES HERE