Archives for March 2, 2010

Fresh Baked 3-3-10

Hi my wonderful GingerBread Fans!

We have some hot, hot, hot fresh baked goodies for you today!!!

First off…. did you get the two special edition newsletter I sent out this week? If you happened to miss them – head over to the GingerScraps Forum and read all about our newest GingerBread Ladys- Modern June and- Kathy Winters!! Both women wonderful additions to our family!!! 🙂

Now on to the Goodies!!!……..

First up from DayBreak Scraps- Charmed


Here’s a set of gorgeous embellishments for when your page needs just a little extra something.
There are 6 glass-covered charms to accent your layouts. They are created at 300dpi.



From Scrappy Cocoa-
Set of 7 Craft Paper overlays. All scanned by ScrappyCocoa. 12×12 300 DPI. These overlays are great for more that just making papers, also great for adding depth to your shapes! Included in this pack are 5 craft papers, 1 foam sheet and 1 felt sheet. CU OK!



ScrappyCocoa also has these great Damask-Ish layered overlays new today. These are tons of fun! Lays make it easy to customize your paper for many types of kits! CU OK!


It is time to Rejoice– With Teri!!!!

Rejoice Preview

Rejoice! is just what you will do. This kit is perfect for anytime of the year, but combine it with the Rejoice! mini and you will have a twice as much to Rejoice! about. The mini is specifically designed to celebrate Easter. Don’t think this is just limited to the Spring season. It is perfect for those hybrid cards, or any baby layouts anytime of the year too! This is one kit that will truly make you Rejoice!

Includes: *12 papers  *44 elements  *1 complete alpha,   *Upper  *Lower  *Numbers and Symbols



Rejoice! Glitterstyles were created to perfectly match the Rejoice!, the kit. These are great colors that you can use to add your own glitz to make any layout shimmer! Create, Inspire, and Share!      $2.50


Stephanie (Scrappy Cocoa) has a REALLY fun little treat for you today!!!! Check it out….


Leave a comment on ScrappyCocoa’s blog Thursday March 4th with your guess as to what she is having, a boy or a girl! 2 Lucky winners will get a GC to her store! Winners announced Friday March 5th And here is a little Baby Inspired Page kit to get you all thinking BABY! Come and get it free on my blog!



If you have been dreaming about being a GingerSnap… now is the time to apply!! Three of the GingerBread Ladies are looking for a few Creative women to join their teams!!! 🙂

Graham Like the Cracker is Having a CT Call!
I want to add to my CT family!

1 layout or project per kit
blog about each product on your blog
Post your layouts to 3 galleries
Involvement in a forum where I sell

email me @ with CT Call in the subject and please mention which position you are applying for. Send a link to your blog, best gallery, your Twitter if you Tweet, and a list of other CTs you are on.

Call ends Saturday March 6th Welcome letters or regrets sent by Wednesday, March 10th



CT Call ~ Kathy Winters Designs

Are there any good scrappers out there? If so, I need you! I’m having a Creative Team Call now through March 15, 2010. With several stores, I’m in need of 4 or 5 people that would be willing to work together to form a second team in addition to my existing team. Please see the CT Ad below for all the particulars.



CT Call for Photocowgirl

I’m looking for a couple of template lovers to add to my team.

1 layout per pack/kit downloaded
posted in 3 galleries.

To apply: email
with your name, forum name, link to your best gallery, and a little about yourself.

You can check out my store here. ~Photocowgirl

Exclusive Ginger Scraps Designer