Archives for April 19, 2010

Challenge Spotlight – Q Challenge

Hello again Gingerscrap Followers! Today I have a winner from the last spotlight challenge. We only had one person comment so this weeks winner is.  .  .  . photom! Check your GS inbox for the link to this kit.

Super! Well today’s Spotlight Challenge is Sara’s A-Z Challenge this month is the Letter Q Yup I’m throwing out what most would consider a tricky letter. But lets back up and tell you how this works. The A-Z challenge is to help you with those Alpha books. I have one for my little boy’s first year and hope to start one for my little girl soon. You can see my whole alpha book here. But if you’d like to participate in the challenge, you don’t have to make a whole Alpha book. You just need a page that has the letter Q on it! See that’s not so hard is it? Here’s my Q page:

by Harmonystar

Looks fun huh? Go ahead and make your Q page and post it in the Q challenge .  As well as winning the R goodies you can also win a prize by posting the link to your LO in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar). CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable. Let me see those comments!