Hi friends!! I’ve been out and about enjoying the nice weather! Spending a little less time on the computer but still keeping up on whats going on. For instance…
Spotted in Wilmington NC – ModernJune and the June Bugs!!
Kathy is traveling with her 3 kids to her parents in NC–7hours on the road, 1 mom vs 3 kids… I’m sure I’ll dig up more dirt on this trip… good luck mommy!!!
Have fun Kathy and don’t let their sweet faces fool you!!!
If you’ve wondered where belhepsibah (Sara) has been I’ll tell ya! First of all she’s pregnant. She just found out she’s have a girl! Yay!! As soon as she got into her second tri her hubby left for work training and she was stuck alone and pregnant with a 1 1/2 yr old for 7 weeks! Yikes! What does she do? Road trip! She came and visited her most wonderful bestest friend in the whole world (Rachel A.K.A. Harmony Star) as well as lots of family. Funerals, graduations, this and that so busy. When she returned home and her hubby returned to her she found out she would be moving to New Mexico at the end of July I believe. And so goes the house hunting process. She’s a busy girl and even though she misses her scrapping friends, she is happy, healthy and taking lots of pictures for later scrapping. And we look forward to more pictures and wish Sara a healthy pregnancy!!
Daddy Reunion
Visiting New Mexico
I know I could spend a day drinking Ice Caps and exploring these little shops! Hmmm I think we should help Sara out and come up with some pretty girly names. I really like Olivia, Gwen, Presley, Ada, Meakin, Scotia just to name a few! Do you like unisex, trendy, unique or more traditional names?? I like vintage names… although my hubby tends to prefer more traditional names so we ended up using a more unisex plain Jane names… after all we are not famous and don’t have enough money to be eccentric so no Apples and Sundays in our family… yet:) What are your favorite baby girl names??