Archives for July 17, 2010

Behind the Scrapbook

Good afternoon scrappers! Thank goodness I have a geek in the house because it took me an hour to get my computer up and running. I love my geek! DO you want to know who else is in love??

Teri and her hubby, this is what she wrote to me…

Gossip Girl if my hubby and I make it till July 17 (ha ha) we will be married for 34 years! I met him when I was in 8th grade and we started going “steady” then. Divorce was never an option for us.. Murder yes but divorce no!!! Oh and we knew it would be an ugly custody battle for the kiddos.. you know.. who would have to take them!!!!!! LMAO just kidding…. kinda T

Ahhh must be bliss! I think I can relate:) Happy Anniversary Terri and hubby!

I was also chatting with Mandy… she’s re-cooperating from her Ethan hangover. She was being a fun Auntie again! This week it was Rye’s big brother Ethan who kept Mandy busy! I hear they battled Bower and turned the inversion table into Auntie Mandy’s tickle torture machine.  Ethan just learned how to ride a two wheeler so they went on many bike rides and went swimming everyday!!

Julie has also been keeping busy!! They have been painting the living room with a fresh coat of paint. I hear it’s looking great! She is planning to make a “photo wall” so she went to the goodwill and got a start on some frames. She seams to find the best stuff!!! Can’t wait to see some pictures of the completed project!

On Wednesday she was busy having a photo shoot with this amazing family and their beautiful horses….

What a good looking family and I have seen some of the other photos that Julie has taken during this shoot and I have to say she is one talented lady!!!

Today is a special day not only is it Teri’s anniversary but this little guy is turning three!!

Happy Birthday Travis!!! Hope you have a fun day!

What a sweetie!!!

I still haven’t heard from Kathy… last we saw of her she was on a road trip with her three beautiful children… if we don’t hear from her by next week we will send out a search party:)

Cya next week:)