Challenge Spotlight – W Challenge

Our random winner from last week is photom with her Memory LO Way to say  just the right words. Here’s your prize:

Make sure you all head over the Gingerscraps Challenge section cause it’s a new month and there are TONS of new challenges for you to try. PLUS the more challenges you do the more cookies you get in the cookie jar which means the more % off you can get at the end of the month! Sounds like a win win situations to me!

To get you started lets check out my Alpha Challenge! We’re getting to the end of the alphabet and are on “W”! To play you simply make a layout inspired by the letter “W” you must have a “W” somewhere on your layout!

As a little bonus you get “X” goodies for completing you W LO!

Here’s one from my little boys 1 yr Alpha book. I’m excited to start over again with my little girl’s alpha book so watch out for that soon too!

by Harmonystar

“W”onderful don’t you think? I’m so funny. So head on over to to my W Challenge! Then come back here and post the link to your LO in the gallery and post it in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar).

Bonus – I will give a Brownie point to everyone who comments with their LO link.

 CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable. Let me see those comments!