Welcome to the end of Novemeber! Cyber Monday as this Monday after Thanksgiving is called. That means this is the last day to get 50% off EVERYTHIONG in the Gingerscraps Store. ALSO the last day to get DOUBLE points on the challenges. Don’t remember what the points mean? Well each point equals 1% off to the store traded in every month or to a % of your choice if you let me know to save them in the cookie jar. Most challenges are worth 2 -3 points double that by finishing your challenges today and you’ll have a whole heap of a lot of points!!!
So lets find out who won last weeks Challenge Spotlight. . . photom with her You+Me LO! Oh yeah she’s cleaning up folks! Better give her a bit of a challenge and my random number generator some real work! 🙂 Here’s what she won:
Now onto this weeks Spotlight Challenge! Julie’s Word Lovers! World Lovers is a great way to spark that inspiration for titles or journaling or in this case a list! Here’s the challenge for this month.
Julie Says:
I want you to make a list…of any thing. Your top 5 reasons you love chocolate. 5 things you love about your hubby. 5 things you hate about Mondays. 5 places you want to go in your life. 5 chores that you hate. 5 things that you love about Fall.
Anything! I just want a list of at least 5 things. Easy peasy!
Here’s some beautiful lists that have already been done for the challenge by our GingerSnaps.

by briarwoodpups
Brilliant lists don’t you think? Need more ideas? there’s more wonderful lists layouts already made in the Nov. Word Lovers Challenge. What would YOU do a list of? Go and do your own list then come back here and post the link to your LO in the gallery and post it in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar).
Bonus – I will give a Brownie point to everyone who comments with their LO link.
CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable. Let me see those comments!