It’s Thursday! Yea! Time to get crafty! Well, is wish I had time. I have been busy, busy this week. No time to get crafty yet! But, I will, Oh yes, I will. But, do not fear! We have other crafty ladies in our midst. One of our very own GingerScraps Designers has been making flowers, flowers and more flowers! Stephanie! I’m taking about you! You GingerScraps fans know her as the talented designer Scrappy Cocoa! But..not only is she a fab digi designer! She is a crafty goddess too! Look at all these cute little flowers…cute models too 🙂
Oh and her handsome little son even took his tired little sisters place as a model.
They look great in Mom’s hair too!
Steph even made this cool Flower Necklace.
Even cooler..she shows you all the steps you need to know to make your own on her blog! It’s really fun and pretty darn easy too! Pop over to her blog and make some of your own! You can check out all of her fabulous digi designs while you are there too 🙂
Happy Crafting!
this is really cool. thanks.
Soo cool! I am going to make a satin flower tut for this blog!!!
Yahoo! Can’t wait 🙂