Archives for August 13, 2011

Daily Download #13

Did you all see the newsletter that went out yesterday?  We are growing so much that we need a server upgrade!  That is awesome!  It really shows that GingerScraps strives to be THE friendliest place in digi-land!  Thanks goes to all of you that continue to support the shop!  🙂

So – its Saturday!  Do you have any plans?  Enjoying some of the last bit of time before the kiddos go back to school in the U.S.?  Personally – I’m ready for some fall weather.  I’m pretty sure that is my favorite season of the year.  🙂

I hope no matter what you are doing this weekend – that it is filled with smiles and memories for you to scrap!

Here’s day #13:

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August Daily Download FreebieHave a great day!