Archives for August 21, 2011

Daily Download #20 and #21

Hello all!

So sorry I missed yesterday.  The day started with a call to the dr for our teenager and just went downhill from there.  Yikes!  Didn’t even get to finish a cup of coffee before we were headed out the door.  Just so you know – poison ivy anywhere close to the eye is very scary!  He is now on steroids to hopefully clear it up quickly!

Anyhow – I have a few questions for y’all.  🙂  Did you do any shopping this weekend?  What was your favorite new kit released on Friday?  I had 2 kits that I automatically fell for:

Break Free from Laura Marie Scraps

Big News by Connie Prince


And then my next question is: Are you signed up to compete in Grandma’s Attic?  Will you be the Ultimate Scrapping Survivor?  I can’t wait to see the layouts that are created by all the participants!  It is going to be amazing for sure!  If you haven’t been to the forum to check it out – HURRY!  Go HERE!!


Okay – now onto the good stuff.  Here’s your weekend pieces to this wonderful kit. 🙂

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August Daily Download Freebie

Day #20


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August Daily Download Freebie

Day #21



Have a great day!!!!