October Daily Download #21

Okay… so there seems to have been a little issue with yesterdays post.  Apparently it posted but I somehow altered the date to the 12th so it posted way down the list.  Oops!  I found it! 😉 And now it is below the Fresh Baked Goodies post – so please scroll down and snag it as well. 🙂


If you have some time today – we’d love to have you join us for a speed scrap today with Cari Cruse.  This one is very time friendly for our friends that aren’t in the US. 🙂  Hope to see you there!

And now here’s today’s piece:

*Link Has Expired*

Have a great day!


  1. thank you

  2. Thank you very much!

  3. Thank you for 20 and 21 – lovely kit!

  4. Thanks for days 20-21. Hope you have a great weekend

  5. Thank you for 20-21.

  6. Thank you!

  7. merci pour le cadeau 🙂

  8. Thank you!

  9. Thanks! 😀
