This Week’s Sneak Peeks


Hey Hey Hey!!! It’s my favorite day of the week again! Peek A Boo Thursday!!! I love love love getting to see glimpses of what is coming to the Gingerscraps store, don’t you!?

And yes, I am feeling tons better than last week, thank you! I feel so good, that I can’t wait to shop again!!!! I love to shop. I absolutely love it. I shop for shoes, I shop for house stuff, I shop for clothes for me and the kids, I shop for the best bargain, I shop for gifts, I shop for things that help me bring out the creative side of me, like antiques, architectural salvage materials, and my favorite, Digital Scrapbooking Supplies! Oh how I love shopping for Digi Stuff! I don’t need a shelf to keep it on, I don’t need to worry if I leave the lid open or the scissors out, or if the cat will get into it. Oh, how freeing!!!

But I will tell you why I love to shop. I love to be INSPIRED. I am inspired creatively by the things around me, that surround me every day, and by what is new to me. When I am inspired creatively, I am better able to be creative in my job, at home, with my kids, with the organizations I am involved in, and feel more balanced and productive.  No, I am not rationalizing my shopping habit. Well, maybe. But when you come to Gingerscraps you cannot help but to be INSPIRED by the fantabulous designers and their Creative Teams!

So, let’s see what we get to shop for this week in the Gingerscraps store, one of my favorite hang outs other than the CAbi store in the outlets….

From PsychoZoe, we have this fun little number…

Yummalicious colors are coming from Pixels by Jen shown here… I love that owl!!!

From Keeping In Touch Designs, and a template by Craftastrophic from this month’s Template Challenge, we have this lovely ensemble of colors and notions that will inspire so many projects and ideas for preserving those memories!

Also from Keeping In Touch Designs with a template by LauraMarie Scraps….


And here is a fun kit from Jen Yurko that is coming out. Talk about INSPIRED! I think I can use this in a ton of different ways! Can’t wait to get my mouse on this one!


from Jen Yurko…


Coming from Luv Ewe Designs…

Coming from Jen Yurko and Joyful Heart Designs…



Well now, if you are anything like me, your socks have been knocked off by the way super fabulous designers here at Gingerscraps, and your brain is going a mile a minute as you are thinking of wonderful ways to incoporate these new kits into your scrapping closet! I am one who needs to see the kit first, then I figure out how to use it. And I like that my scrapping closet doesn’t need to worry about being messy, or over flowing.  I have a good system of organizing my files so everything is at the ready, so I’m good to go! Rock on!!!!!

So pull up a mouse, grab some tea, or java, or lemonade, and sit here with me while I wait until Friday for these fabulous kits to show up in the Gingerscraps store!  In the mean time, you can catch some fun times and loads more inspiration on the Gingerscraps forum, the friendliest digi scrapping site in the universe!!!
