May Feature Designers: LittleRadTrio and B2N2 Scraps


I hope everyone is enjoying May. We’re in the midst of NASCAR Race Weeks here in Charlotte and getting ready for my son’s high school graduation. I thought I would drop in for a post and highlight our feature designers for May. Jennifer of Little Rad Trio and Becky of B2N2 Scraps have teamed up to be in our spotlight this month.

Let’s see what Jennifer has to say.

What is your design process?

I generally start with elements. If it’s a theme kit, I start creating the “themed” elements first. There are also times where I start with the generic kits items (i.e. ribbons, strings, etc) and it grows from there. Papers generally come next and alpha is almost always last.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use CS6. I have illustrator, but I have never used it yet. I keep thinking “one of these days” I’ll go through the class tutorials I purchased, but “that day” hasn’t come yet. I also have a scanner and my DSLR camera too.

Describe your design workplace.

My workplace was originally my home computer with 2 monitors. But then we suffered severe water damage last June and I had to pack it all up. At that point, I reverted to working primarily from my laptop which is still the case. When I did finally get my home computer hooked back up, I got a virus on it and I haven’t “fixed” it yet. There are times I also design from my work computer that has 2 monitors too. But I would say about 75% of all my designing comes from my Windows 7 laptop while either sitting on my couch with a TV tray or standing at our breakfast bar. LOL!

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

Color is a huge inspiration to me. When the color palette speaks to me I can whip together a kit I just love in a matter of a couple of days. But when the color palette is a struggle, then inspiration speaks slowly.

What is the last book you read?

The last 2 books I read were What Kills Me and I Am Forever by Wynne Channing. It happened upon them in Amazon. The first books “What Kills Me” was a free book and it was such a fun easy read that I was hooked and had to buy the I Am Forever to finish up the series. I’m currently reading Divergent – but it’s been a slow process for me.

Tea or coffee?

Neither! Sorry, I just don’t get the coffee addiction that people like my husband have.

Do you craft outside of the digital world?

Not in a long time. I have cross stitched and embroidered, but since I discovered digital scrapbooking they have definitely taken a seat on the back burner.

How do you feed your sweet tooth?

Oh, that’s a tough one. It varies so much. I would have to say donuts or pastries like brownies or such. Of course I love milk chocolate, but I’m not a huge candy fan.

What is your *favorite* kit you’ve designed and why is it your favorite?

I would have to say it’s probably my “In the Kitchen” collection. I love how all the themed elements turned out and I simply adore the color palette. I love black and red together and added the goldish brown was just the perfect touch.


What is your favorite thing about

Ginger! I just love her to pieces! She is so warm, caring, friendly and just plain awesome! Her creativity with the survivor games amazes me and I love that she is so organized. It’s makes my designing process that much easier! Thanks for all you do Ginger!!

What is the most used App on your phone?

Farm Heros Saga. Yep, I’m addicted to that silly little game!

Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Of course! Don’t we all! My guilty pleasure is a good refreshing cosmo! I love my cosmopolitans, but only if they are made with cointreau.

How long have you been designing?

I hit my official one year anniversary at the end of April this year. I have been having a blast and love the creative aspect of it.

Salty or sweet?

Both! I love trail mix that has peanuts, raisins and M&Ms in them!

If you could travel to any TIME in the past, present or future where would you go and why?

I would go back to the mid 70s so I could get to know my materal grandmother. She passed away when I was young and would love to have known her from my adult perspective. She was my mother’s best friend and my mom is my best friend. So I would love to have been able to hang out with them both (as a grown woman, rather than a young child).

Any special message to our members?

Yep – Happy Scrappin!!!

Make sure to check out the Little Rad Trio Facebook page and her blog. Also check out her kits in the Store.

And now, let’s chat with Becky.

What is your design process?

I start with one of two ways: one being with a color palette that grabs me or two, I start with a theme and then find a color palette that matches the theme. I always create my papers first and then move to my elements. The alpha always comes last.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Photoshop Elements 11.

Describe your design workplace.

My workplace is wherever my computer is. Sometimes I design at the kitchen table, other times I design on the couch while watching TV.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

I am inspired by my kids a lot of times. I find inspiration in the color palettes of some of their clothing or in an activity that they are doing. I also am motivated by striking color palettes that make me envision something in my head. I try not to force a color palette on myself because then I know I my kit won’t be as inspired. I am also inspired by ideas from customers. I like creating kits that have unique themes.

What is the last book you read?

I just finished a memoir called Until I Say Goodbye by Susan Spencer-Wendel. I read a lot and cohost the GingerScraps’ book club. I also have a book blog with my sister called “My Sister’s Bookkeeper.”

Tea or coffee?

Neither but I will drink tea on occasion

Do you craft outside of the digital world?

I used to be an avid stamper and cardmaker but since I discovered digital scrapbooking and the lack of mess, I don’t do much paper crafting anymore. I also crochet scarves on occasion. I like to make Christmas ornaments and other holiday crafts.

How do you feed your sweet tooth (photo if you got it)?

I love chocolate! Anything chocolate is good (well not anything-I don’t like most fruit flavors with chocolate except for strawberries and chocolate) but it is especially good with caramel, peanut butter or mint!

What is your *favorite* kit you’ve designed and why is it your favorite?

This is tough! I love so many of my kits! I think right now my favorite kit is Everyday Love. I love the color combination and I love the surprise of newsprint in it. I got a lot of inspiration from Pinterest for this kit and I love how the word art turned out in the kit.


What is your favorite thing about

I really love the sense of community.

What is the most used App on your phone?

I don’t have a smart phone. I know I’m behind the times but data packages are so expensive! I just got texting about 6 months ago! My most used app on my ipad is probably Facebook or email.

Do you have a guilty pleasure?

I’m a hopeless romantic so I love cheesy young romantic movies like The Prince & Me. There is a young adult dystopian fiction series-the first one is called The Selection- and it is like the show The Bachelor but set in a dystopian world. I could not get enough of that guilty pleasure book!

How long have you been designing?

I think it’ll be 4 years this summer. Wow, I didn’t realize it had been that long!

Salty or sweet?


If you could travel to any TIME in the past, present or future where would you go and why?

I would love to go back to Victorian English but only if I was well off! I love the clothes (although I don’t doubt that I would be tired of them quite quickly) and I would love to go to balls and parties and be courted.

Any special message to our members?

I’d like to thank you all for supported me with my designing. If you have kit requests, please feel free to contact me!

Keep up with Becky on her Facebook page and her blog. And don’t forget to check her out in the store.

Make sure you are checking the blog daily for this fabulous collab from our featured designers. Also, check out the sale in their store.

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Thanks for hanging out with me for a few minutes. I’ll be back in June for another post.
