DD: June 13

The link for this download is no longer available.

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.


  1. Thanks for the last several days!

  2. jayleigh says

    Thank you for this kit via the DAD – it reminds me of my mother’s needlework skill and i have many photos of her and her exquisite work that will be perfect with this kit! 

  3. Thank you so much!

  4. Katherine says

    THank you!

  5. crystalnva says

    THANK YOU ;~}

  6. Thanks for the kit, but could I please confirm something. Is there a mistake with the link for day 13 because I keep getting day 12 (file name) when I click on link. It is just so nice, I don’t want to miss out on something. I will keep an eye out for a comment from you or a new link if necessary.

    Kind regards



  1. […] DD: June 13 – 1 freebie(s) […]