Challenge Spotlight July 29th

There’s 3 days left to get the challenges done to receive this awesome collab kit. On Friday, there will be a new kit and new challenges!

This week’s spotlight is on my favorite challenge- the Mix it Up Challenge. I love this challenge because it’s never the same! This month, Jennifer of Little Rad Trio challenged us to take one of our very first digital scrapbooking attempts and re-make it! For this challenge you have to post the original layout and the new product. This may be embarrassing since no one wants to show off the very first layouts when you were just getting the hang of everything but this really shows how much you have grown! And you have a few more days to go! Get those challenges done!

Here is my submission to the challenge:

And here are a few others! The redone layout is linked to the gallery so please leave the ladies some love!


The Old:

The New:

The Old:


The New:


The Old:

The New:

Look how much everyone has grown! Sometimes it’s fun to go through our old layouts just to see what techniques we have picked up. It’s nice to see how much you have progressed!