Here is part two of our December Featured Designer Post. Today we are talking to Natasha of Ponytails Designs.
What is your design process?
I usually start with an idea or a colour palette and go from there. I make some notes and browse Pinterest for photos that look like what I’m seeing in my head. Then I generally start with papers and make patterns from them that I can use in my elements.
What do you use to create your designs (program, addition tools, etc.)?
I use PSCC for the most part. I’m attempting to learn AI, but that’s not going very well as of yet.
Describe your design workplace.
I have a four year old, so my workspace is anywhere she is… but I do have a small desk space in the kitchen/great room, which is where I usually sit. I can work a bit while she plays or watches TV. The bulk of my work is done after her bedtime though.
What is your favorite thing about designing?
I love the creative outlet I get with designing. I’ve always done some sort of craft… painting, cross-stitch, crochet, even quilting. But I just love the memory keeping aspect of scrapbooking, and the ease of doing it digitally.
What is your favorite or “go-to” color palette?
I gravitate toward earthier palettes… I love colour though, but I generally go with more muted shades of the colours. Some themes just work better with brights so I’ll use them when I feel the need. In my personal scrapping I usually pick kits that will suit girl pages nicely, so there tends to be a lot of pinks and aquas in the kits I choose to buy.
What is your favorite treat to have close while designing?
If I’m designing in the evening then I’ll have a glass of white wine beside me. Sometimes I’ll have cheese and crackers too. My favorite is marble cheddar on Triscuits.
Do you have job outside of designing? If so, what do you do (if you don’t mind sharing)?
I work as a 911 fire dispatcher in a large emergency communications centre. Since having Sarah I only work part time, and only the night shift. It’s an interesting job with a lot of down time, so I usually do any kind of online scrapping-related stuff while I’m at work. It’s the perfect time to set up new products or leave gallery comments, etc. In fact, I’m at work right now while I’m answering these questions!
Please share a photo of yourself, can be silly or serious but a photo that shows us who YOU are.
This picture was taken this past July. I threw my husband a big surprise 50th birthday party with an “Anchorman” theme. This sums us up so nicely… a big party in our backyard, surrounded by good friends. We are very social and entertain a lot, especially in summertime, since we have a pool and a big private backyard.
What is your *favorite* kit you’ve designed (that is currently in store) and why is it your favorite?
I think my favourite right now is Everyday Moments, which I designed for the November buffet. I love the colours and the cork elements. I just think it’s such a versatile kit that can be used to scrap all sorts of pages.
What is your favorite thing about
It’s such a friendly, fun place to hang out! I felt at home here right from the beginning. I really love that there’s so much participation in the various challenges and special events too.
What is the current ringtone on your phone?
It’s on vibrate about 99% of the time because I hate ringing phones. Probably because I’m on the phone or radio at work so much. When it is on ring, then it’s just set to the old-style phone ring. Either way, my friends would tell you that I’m impossible to reach, because I often forget to take the do-not-disturb off when I get up in the morning… also related to work, because we get a lot of call-outs to cover sick personnel and they all seem to come in the middle of the night!
If you were deserted on an island (with all water/food provided), what three things would you want to have with you?
My sunglasses, a good book, and a nice cold drink! I’d enjoy the peace and quiet for a change.
If you could spend the day with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?
This is a tough one.. there’s so many! But if I only had a day I’d want it to be a fun one, so maybe I’d like to hang out with Oprah. I think she’d be so fun and interesting to talk to.
What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?
Anything by George Strait! Really… anything. The man could sing the phone book to me and I’d be in Heaven.
I agree – I love George Strait!!
What would you sing at Karaoke night?
I’d sing a duet with my hubby… “Jackson” by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash is such a fun song.
Any special message to our members?
Just a big, heartfelt thanks for all the love and support they’ve given me since I joined GS!
Thanks Natasha!! Make sure to stop by and visit her GS store, her Facebook page, and her blog.
Craftytam shared with us that her favorite Ponytails Designs kit is Sandy Toes and Salty Kisses.
And she made this lovely layout using the kit. Make sure to stop by the gallery and leave her some love.
I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!