January Featured Designer – Little Rad Trio


Here I am sliding just in at the end of the month with featured designer Little Rad Trio. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m glad to see the end of January. Let’s catch up with Jennifer.

What is your design process?

I generally start with a theme in mind and search for the perfect color palette. From there, I generally start with elements move to papers and end with alpha. My process is not consistent as I’ll sometimes start with papers. It all varies on my mood.

What do you use to create your designs (program, addition tools, etc.)?

I use photoshop CS6 exclusively. I do have illustrator but I haven’t taken the time to learn it yet. One of these days that will happen!

Describe your design workplace.

I’m not like the traditional designer. I don’t have a set work place. Most of my designing occurs on my laptop with some happening after hours on my IRL computer. Most of the time, I’m at my kitchen counter on the laptop though.

What is your favorite thing about designing?

My favorite thing is the unlimited ability to be creative. I can just let my mind wander.

What is your favorite or “go-to” color palette?

I love bright bold colors!

What is your favorite treat to have close while designing?

A nice glass of pinot grigio.

Do you have job outside of designing? If so, what do you do (if you don’t mind sharing)?

Yes. I actually own a small business of 50+ employees in 3 locations (MN, ND & WI). I’m in the insurance industry and operate as a managing general agent which is a specialized niche in the industry. We work solely with independent agents and have binding authority on behalf of a number of insurance carriers. We deal strictly in commercial higher risk business with our niche being long haul truckers. With being the owner, it involves quite a bit of travel so that’s what’s so nice about having a laptop. Have laptop will travel!!

What is your *favorite* kit you’ve designed (that is currently in store) and why is it your favorite?

His Blocks! It was a spur of the moment kit but I just love how it turned out and love the bright bold colors!

What is your favorite thing about GingerScraps.net?

All the friendly people and I just love Ginger and Missi!! They are such a sweethearts!!

What is the current ringtone on your phone?

Cruise by Florida Georgia Line. It’s one of my favorite songs!

If you were deserted on an island (with all water/food provided), what three things would you want to have with you?

My family, internet and my laptop!!

If you could spend the day with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?

My maternal grandmother. She passed away when I was in 3rd grade. Now that I’m an adult, I would love to know her as an adult.

What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?

Wow, I would have to think on that one. I has so many favorites that mean so much to me.

What would you sing at Karaoke night?

Sing at Karaoke night? Not gonna happen! EVER!!

Any special message to our members?

Love all that you do and cherish all your loved ones for life is just too short to do anything else.

Thanks to Jennifer for answering my questions. Make sure to check out her store, blog, and Facebook page.



  1. Kiki/mcgaelicgal says

    Thanks again for January’s beautiful kit, Jennifer!  Nice to learn more about you here.   I hope that others reading this interview will see this and take it to heart:  “Love all that you do and cherish all your loved ones for life is just too short to do anything else.”  I couldn’t agree more!!  =D
    Sláinte ~ Kiki aka mcgaelicgal