DD: June 30

The link for this download is no longer available.

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.


  1. Many thanks for all the great pieces to this monthly DDL!

  2. Samantha says

    Thank you for the sweet looking kit!

  3. Spanielmom says

    thank you so much for the lovely kit this month.

  4. A truly gorgeous kit. Thank you for sharing xx

  5. miss becki says

    This kit was so lovely!!! Thank you so much for sharing your talents so generously! 🙂

  6. Thank you so much for this great kit!

  7. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous kit! ! Ilove it!

  8. Tanja Blaufelder says

    Thank you so much for the lovely kit!!

  9. Kim Goodman says

    Thank you!

  10. Again, thank you so much for the wonderful daily download.

  11. Dawn Evans says

    Many thanks!

  12. Thanks so much for the kit!

  13. Nancy M. says

    thank you 🙂

  14. Beautiful thank you

  15. Beautiful kit. Thanks so much!

  16. Kiki/mcgaelicgal says

    Thank you SO much for sharing your hard work and talent! What a beautiful kit! I’ve rarely made it online this month, but managed to grab every piece, which was the highlight of my week!! =D


  1. […] DD: June 30 – 1 freebie(s) […]