Happy December! We have TWO fabulous designers to spotlight at GingerScraps this month. Pretty in Green and Key Lime Digital Designs. They have both been gracious to answer some quirky questions for me. Part 1 will be with Rachel of Pretty in Green. Part 2 will follow in a week or so with Sandy of Key Lime Digital Designs.
Let’s see what Rachel has to say.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
That’s a hard one because I haven’t traveled very far, so I love to see new places. Although I would love to travel to Ireland some day, the lush green and the mystical castles.
If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Warning! May Cry at everything!
I can’t handle anything sappy even tv commercials make me cry. lol
What is one thing you will never do again?
I will never stick a potato in the oven with out piercing the skin again…. that was a mess hahahaha
What’s your favorite movie?
My Husband and I watch a lot of movies, and I’ve seen a lot of good ones…. hummm I think I am going to go with Avatar, I must of watched it a million times when it first came out, and we just watched it again a few weeks ago, I still love it… I’m pretty pumped to see the next one!
Do you love or hate rollercoasters?
I Love them! Although it’s funny I didn’t start riding them until I was probably 16-17. I was too chicken to get on one until an extremely hot day, my cousin and I decided to ride a water ride and every since I have LOVED them.
Do you believe there is intelligent life in outer space?
I’m hoping it’s Dr. Who
What was the last thing you ate?
Only the best meal ever, French Toast!
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Green of course 😉
Pirates or Ninjas?
Pirate, arrrggggh!
Country or City?
Country all the way
Morning or Night?
I am a night owl, I have zero energy in the mornings no matter how much sleep I get, but let me say up late and I’ll just keep going and going.
Indoors or Outdoors?
Indoors with a good view, I burn to easily, lol
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate, Dark Chocolate.
Cats or Dogs?
Dogs, Cats are Brats lol, super cute brats but still brats. (I do love my kitties tho)
Who did you look up to as a kid?
My Mom and my Mom’s best friend. I always wanted to do everything like them
What is the one thing that makes you happy despite any mood?
My kids laughing. That is the best thing.
Do you have any tattoos? If yes what and where are they- If no do you want any and what would you get?
Yes, one I got when I was 16. its a heart with scrolly wings on my hip. I’d love a half sleeve on my arm some day, with lots of color but I can never decide what I want to be there forever!
Name one television character that you simply adore?
I just finished up the new show iZombie, I love Liv’s hair, I want that cut!
Thanks Rachel!! Make sure to check our her GingerScraps store, her Facebook page and her blog.
Don’t forget to keep an eye out for Part 2!