Archives for November 12, 2016

From the Archives Vol. 8

We are almost to the end of 2016; and already on the 8th edition of from the Archives. This year has flown by!

From the Archives is one of my favorite posts to write here at GingerScraps. I have been an enabler of digital scrapbooking with my friends from the start of it for me. I enjoy helping people find new digital scrapbooking supplies.

What archives? Well, we are going to show you some digital scrapbooking supplies that are in the store that are at least a year old. Usually older than that.  Some of us may be new to digital scrapbooking or new to GingerScraps. Some people don’t check the store every week. Basically, things can and do get lost in the weekly shuffle of the store. With that in mind, we are going to go back and look at some great products. Our hope is that you find some great things you might have been looking for; or find something that you didn’t know you needed but totally do now that you see it!










You  might have noticed all these oldies but goodies have similarity about them. The color! This From the Archives, I chose to go back to November 2015’s Buffet. Taking a look at what hitting the store a year ago.  Don’t forget about November 2016’s Buffet! These two compliment each other well.