DD: May 01

Happy May!

It’s time for a new Daily Download! Usually I’d have a preview for last month’s, but the designer is putting on the final touches, so it’s not quite ready! But it will be in the store soon.

But here is this month’s DD:


Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.


  1. Ann Weed says

    Thank you for this months dd..a crafty set will be fun….Just a note last months day 29 is missing.

  2. Richelle says

    Thank you Love school kits 🙂 – Ann day 29 can be found with the side calendar if you click 29 it takes you to posts that day

  3. What a fun theme — looking forward to collecting all the pieces! Thank you!

  4. Am excited about this month’s kit – great theme! Thank you.

  5. Marie H. says

    Thank you very much.