GingerScraps: Fresh Baked 4/20 & Retirement 65% Off Sale

Hello scrappers,

Ginger here writing the newsletter this week, our lovely Sarah is recovering at home after her wisdom tooth removal, let’s all send her a big digi hug! Fingers crossed that I don’t have any typos or mistakes!

We have some awesome new releases for you this week AND … It’s time for our annual 65% off Spring Cleaning Sale! After the sale is over these items will be retired so be sure to get them while you can!!

SALE LINK:…roducts-65-OFF

And now it’s time to show you this weeks Fresh Baked!

Planet Earth Kit:…t-Designs.html

Legendary Templates:…s-Designs.html

Celebrate 2018: April Bundle:…-Z-Scraps.html
Celebrate 2018: April Kit:…-Z-Scraps.html
Celebrate 2018: April Journal Cards:…-Z-Scraps.html
Celebrate 2018: April Word Bits & Dates:…-Z-Scraps.html
Celebrate 2018: April Accent:…-Z-Scraps.html
Celebrate 2018: April Extra Papers:…-Z-Scraps.html

Pastel Bliss Bundle:…eidesigns.html
Pastel Bliss Alphas:…eidesigns.html
Pastel Bliss Alphas:…eidesigns.html
Pastel Bliss Art Papers:…eidesigns.html
Pastel Bliss Art Shapes:…eidesigns.html
Pastel Bliss Art Cards:…eidesigns.html
Pastel Bliss Clusters:…eidesigns.html
Pastel Bliss Elements:…eidesigns.html
Pastel Bliss Paper Pack:…eidesigns.html
Pastel Bliss Twinches:…eidesigns.html

Sew Nice Ribbons:

Sports: Bowling Grab Bag:…g-GrabBag.html

Animal Kingdom Bundle:…om-Bundle.html
Animal Kingdom Page Kit:…om-PageKit.html
Animal Kingdom Flairs:…om-Flairs.html
Animal Kingdom Grunge:…om-Grunge.html
Animal Kingdom Ombre Papers:…om-brePapers.html
Animal Kingdom Titles:…om-Titles.html
Animal Kingdom Journal Cards:…om-Cards.html

Art Deco Party:…dsay-Jane.html

Princess for a Day Bundle:…ollection.html
Princess for a Day Page Kit:
Princess for a Day Bonus Elements:…-elements.html
Princess for a Day Journal Cards:…cards.html
Princess for a Day Bonus Papers:…papers.html
Princess for a Day Glitter Pack:…glitter.html

Hole in One Bundle:…sGraphics.html
Hole in One Kit:…sGraphics.html
Hole in One Alpha:…sGraphics.html
Hole in One Journal Cards:…sGraphics.html
Hole in One Word Tags:…sGraphics.html

April Sampler Templates – 2018:…Miss-Fish.html

New York, New York:…-N-Pieces.html

More than Memories Template Set:

Bring It On Collection:…-Harrison.html
Bring It On Kit:…-Harrison.html
Bring It On Alphas:…-Harrison.html
Bring It On Blooms:…-Harrison.html
Bring It On Quotes:…-Harrison.html
Bring It On Word Art:…-Harrison.html
Bring It On Messy Edges:…-Harrison.html
Bring It On Glitters:…-Harrison.html

Mud on the Tires:

CU Flowers Volume 6:…e-Prince..html
CU Flowers Volume 7:…e-Prince..html
CU Frames Volume 1:…e-Prince..html

Spring Cleaning Sale Link:…roducts-65-OFF

Lindsay Jane Shop Link: Store