Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenge #2

Hey out there in digiland, how is everyone this blustery and chilly Tuesday morning? We’re having a typical Texas weather week: 70 and sunny one day,  40 and wintery the next–no joke. Now that winter has made a comeback and it’s f-f-f-reezing outside, I’m staying in and scrapping! For this last week in February (whaaat?!), I am spotlighting another challenge with a freebie: the second template challenge hosted by Bekah of Bekah E Designs! She has come up with a simple but snazzy little template that I think you’ll Like. Take a look!

I like all the room for journaling and a nice big title! I usually gab a bunch here, but I want to get straight to the layouts completed by the ladies in the forum because they are simply outstanding this week!

By MSPeeler

By Kathryn

By sparkysgirl

Ok, where do I even start?! First, I wouldn’t even automatically assume these are all from the same template! While we can pluck out some similarities, they are all so unique and beautiful! I pretty much love everything Michelle does,  but that little picture peeking out the bottom corner is just plain adorable. Kathryn’s layout immediately struck my eye because of the glittery background that almost looks like a dimensional cut-out overlay. Lisa always does gorgeous cluster work and this page is no exception! Absolutely fabulous pages ladies, I love them all! 🙂

Don’t forget this is THE LAST WEEK of February and there’s only two more days left in the month after today! It’s a short one and all your challenge layouts need to be completed and tallied in the February Challenge Points Tracking thread by the end of the day on the 28th.  You can get yourself some nifty rewards to start March out with, so get those layouts in, girls!  If you need more info or have any questions about this or any of our monthly challenges, head over to the Cookie Jar and leave us a message. 🙂

That’s it for me for this week…and this month. Eek! See y’all in March! 🙂

Challenge Spotlight – Mini Kit Challenge

Good morning, gals! I am going to jump right in! This week I will be spotlighting the mini kit challenge hosted by Jennifer of Luv Ewe Designs!  Jennifer has created a lovely little mini for our challenge participants; take a look!

I just adore the coral-ish pinks and the minty green here, something a little different from all the hot pink and bright red we’ve been inundated with this month!  Of course with a freebie mini this cute, the layouts are pouring in. Take a look at a few of my favorite submissions so far for some inspiration…

By Juliemomof4

By verstej2

By wanda

All lovely layouts! I love the vintage, faded feel of Julie’s page, that cool torn paper block on Jeannie’s layout and the cool heart cutouts on Wanda’s creation! These are all seriously awesome layouts and I like how everyone was able to change up the mini so much it’s almost as versatile as a full-sized kit. Pretty neat!  🙂

This is a short month so remember to get your challenges completed and tallied up in the February Challenge Points Tracking thread before the month is up.  There’s all kinds of great goodies waiting for you as rewards when you play along with us and keep track! 🙂 As always, if you have any questions about this or any of our monthly challenges, you can head over to the Cookie Jar and ask away! We’ll get back to you asap.

That’s it for this week; see y’all next Tuesday!  🙂

Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenge #1

Hello ladies and happy Tuesday!  🙂  Hope everyone’s week is off to a wonderful start; I am getting ready for my first test of the semester and I’m a little nervous; wish me luck! This week I am spotlighting a challenge with a freebie: the first template challenge hosted by Rebecca of Twin Mom Scraps!  Note: this challenge only runs through February 15, so make sure you snag it and post your submission before it goes away! Take a look at the template:

Really cute, Rebecca! I’m always a sucker for paper stacks, so you know I love this template! I’ve got big plans for this template…  😉  Of course, the layouts are already pouring into the gallery and forum. If you need some inspiration  just take a look below for a few of my favorite submissions so far…

By boba80

By Rdjrneace

By missdamsel

Awesome layouts! If you notice, I also picked three pages where the template had been modified. Whether by adding a photo, taking one away or using as-is, this template is pretty versatile and I’m loving how everyone is using it for all different scrapping occasions. If you like these layouts as much as I do, drop by the gallery and leave them some love! 🙂

Now that you’re sufficiently inspired, run and go scrap! Again, the first template challenge is only through the 15th, so don’t delay in getting this one done and tallied in the February 2013 Challenge Points Tracking thread! The more challenges you complete this month, the bigger a reward you get; click here for all the rewards info. If you have  questions about this or any of the monthly challenges, head over to the Cookie Jar and ask away! We’ll get you an answer as soon as possible. 🙂

I’m off for now to go study some for my test and shouldn’t you be scrapping? 😉 See y’all next week!

Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenge #2

Happy Tuesday, all! I’m so excited because today is the first day of school! *squee* I’m so excited about the sociology classes I’m taking this semester and ready for things to get underway. 🙂 Speaking of excitement, I’m really excited about my spotlight for today because I’ve completed the challenge and I loved it! This week I am spotlighting the second template challenge hosted by Jen of Jen C Designs! It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Jen’s templates and I love the freebie she’s created for this challenge. It’s a simple template, but it’s just perfect; take a look!

Cute, right?!  Like I said, so simple but so perfect. Truth: I’m always a sucker for paper stacks. 🙂 Thanks for the awesome template, Jen! Of course with a template this great, the layouts are pouring in over in the challenge thread. There are lots of good ones, but I’ve picked out three pages to get your creative juices flowing…

By chigirl

By altimasport

By jenltip

Awesome creations, gals! Here we have three totally different layouts using the same exact template. One held the same as the designer made it, one with less photos and one with way more…and all excellent pages! 🙂

Now you’ve GOT to go snag this template before the challenge ends when the month does! Can you believe it’s already the end of January?! (Seriously, time is flying lately.) That means this month’s challenges are coming to a close! If you haven’t started your post in the January 2013 Challenge Tracking thread…what are you waiting for, silly?! You want a reward don’t you? I know I do–I’m a digiscrap hoarder for sure. Post and start tallying up your completed challenges for January so you can start out next month with a shiny new prize from the GingerScraps shop! 😀

Don’t forget that if you have any questions about this or any of our monthly challenges, you can leave those in the Cookie Jar and we’ll get back to you asap. 🙂  Ok, now that I’m done blogging, it’s time to go STUDY! 😀 😀 😀 Yes, I’m excited to study! 😛 Y’all have a rad week and I’ll see you back here next week for the last challenge spotlight of January. 🙂

Challenge Spotlight – Desktop Challenge

Good morning, all.  Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! It was a rainy, cool weekend here in Texas and I was finally able to get some scrapping and crafting done. It’s mid-month and I’m trying to get some more challenges done. This week’s challenge spotlight is on the January 2013 Desktop Challenge hosted by Ivonne of Craft-tastrophic Designs! Next month will be Valentine’s and Ivonne has created a lovely desktop template to celebrate the holiday of love:

I just love pink and hearts, so decorating for Valentine’s is one of my favorite things.  Might as well decorate my desktop, while I’m at it! 🙂 If you’re not a Valentine’s fan or a pink and hearts kind of gal, here’s some inspiration for you:

By scrappinbella

By yabby

By Sarah

Beautiful takes on this template. I of course love Lydia’s hot pink and glitter desktop! I also like the boy-ish direction Yavonn went in and the cool, wintery blues Sarah used. There are a lot more lovely desktops already completed, so stop by the thread if you want some more inspiration or just want to leave some love for the talented scrappers. 🙂

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to swing by the January 2013 Challenge Tracking thread and start your tracking post. All your completed challenges will be tallied at the end of the month and you’ll get a reward based on how many you complete! Completing just one challenge gets you a reward, so make sure you jump in soon. If you want more info or have a question about any of our monthly challenges, you can post in the Cookie Jar and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

That’s it for this week’s challenge spotlight. See you next Tuesday! 🙂

Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenge #2

Hello and happy Tuesday! Can you believe it’s already the third week in December?! Only a little over a week left in 2012–eep! Where did the time go? Now that school is over (all A’s–go me!), I can finally start scrapping again! Since I’m a little rusty now, I definitely want to use a template and what better way to get a freebie template than by joining in on the second template challenge hosted by one of our new designers, Isabel of Crisdam Designs! Check out the super cute template Isabel has made for us to create with the second half of this month…

Awesome, right? I love the curve along the right side and I’m always a sucker for a little paper stacking! Even though this template challenge just started, we’ve already got some wonderful layouts in the forum. Check out a few ladies’ creations here for inspiration!

By Sarah

By rdjrneace

By Ricki

I’m always thrilled to check out these challenges and see the amount of talent we have in the GS community! 🙂 I love that snowy spray Sarah has, all the vibrant ribbons Debbie used and the softer non-holiday pastels Ricki used for a little break in strictly holiday scrapping. 🙂 Wonderful work, ladies!

If you haven’t started tallying your completed challenges, you need to head over to the December Challenge Points Tracking thread and start counting up those layouts! At the end of the month, you’ll get a lovely little prize depending on how many challenges you complete. It’s not to late to get scrapping and earn a fun reward! 😀

Well, dinner’s just about ready, my tummy’s rumbling and I need to finish a Christmas craft before bed, so that’s it for me! Y’all have a great week, finish up your Christmas shopping/wrapping and I’ll see everyone back here next week for the LAST challenge spotlight of 2012! CRAZY! See you next week! 🙂

Challenge Spotlight – Mini Kit Challenge

SO this will be a quick blog because I have a HUGE paper and presentation due tomorrow and I’m only halfway through the paper, noneway through the presentation–ACK! Hope all our US friends had a lovely, peaceful Thanksgiving and survived Black Friday! 😀 This week I am spotlighting another challenge with a freebie: the November mini kit challenge hosted by Lily of Pixelily Designs! Lily has made a beautiful, neutral -toned mini for us this month that is perfect for fall pictures, candid snapshots–anything! I really like the colors with a pop of brightness…check it out!

Absolutely love this–thanks for sharing it with us this month, Lily! The mini is called “Self Portrait” but it’s being used for way more than self portrait pics in the forum!  Lots of ladies have already got their submissions in so it’s hard to choose, but here are a few of my favorites for scrappy inspiration!

By sladd79054

By mamaape

By brenian4ever

These are all amazing layouts–seriously! I like how Lisa used this kit for something other than a self portrait; so cute and the simply journaling is perfect here. I love April’s use of white space of bring focus on the title below. And Bren–this is just awesome. Your pics are adorable (you look so happy!) and your clustering is great. Beautiful creations, ladies–you’ve definitely inspired me to put this pretty mini to work! 🙂

FYI this is the LAST WEEK to get your November challenges complete and tallied! If you haven’t been tracking them in the November Challenge Points Tracking thread–you need to get on that! All challenges are due on November 30th to go towards a fabulous prize from the GS shop. Even one completed challenge gets you something, so definitely join in now even if you haven’t done any yet! If you have any questions, stop by the Cookie Jar and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

Alright, time for me to get back to my paper–UGH! Wish me luck, hehe! Hope y’all have a wonderful week and I will see you in December! 😀

Challenge Spotlight – Desktop Challenge

Hey howdy hey and happy turkey day! How is it already Thanksgiving? Where did the year go?! The weather is FINALLY cooling off here in Texas and the winter holidays are quickly approaching! As I like to say, it’s the super bowl of crafting and scrapping! 😀 This week I am spotlighting a challenge with a freebie, the desktop challenge hosted by Ivonne of Craft-tastrophic Designs! I really, really like her template for this month’s desktop challenge!

 Isn’t it just the cutest template?! It’s reminiscent of ornaments and I love the overlapped circles. With a fun freebie template like this, you know the creations are just rolling in! Here a few I like from the forum:

By mamaape

By dodgeladee

By Lisa

Lovely, all of them! I love Suzanne’s patterned wall that reminds me of a chimney, Lisa’s pine needles and I especially love the crafty realism April accomplished with the buttons and ornament stickers. Awesome job, ladies–you rock! 🙂

Now that you’ve got some inspiration going, it’s your turn to join in the fun! All of our monthly challenges are worth points towards a superfun prize! Check out the rewards system and see what you can win just for playing along! Keep track of what you’ve completed in the November Challenge Points Tracking thread so we can get you a reward once the month is over. As always, any questions about this or any of the other monthly challenges can be sent over to the Cookie Jar. 🙂

Alright, I’ve got to get back to school work and holiday crafting. And I guess I should do my desktop for next month, as well! 😉 Y’all have a great week and a happy Thanksgiving to my US friends! See everyone next week for the last November challenge spotlight! Adios! 🙂


Challenge Spotlight – Mini Kit Challenge

Hey, y’all! Hope October is off to a great start for everyone. Let’s jump right into today’s blog! Everyone loves a freebie, right? Well, today I’m spotlighting October’s mini kit challenge hosted by Jennifer of Luv Ewe Designs! This is a FREEBIE challenge, so let all your scrappin’ friends know they can come join us on the challenge fun and snag an awesome mini in the process! The mini Jennifer’s got for us this month is seriously adorable; take a look!

These colors are FABULOUS! The brown, beige and red all go so well together and very fell autumn…y. (Hehe.) I’ve simply got to scrap a cute picture of my niece with this mini! Here’s some inspiration for the forum:

By sladd79054

By hivart

By brenian4ever

Really beautiful pages, ladies. You all showed off the fun patterned papers so well! Love the flower clusters on all three layouts, as well. This is simply a wonderful little mini; thank you for your generosity, Jennifer! Remember, if you have any questions on this or any other challenge, you can drop it off at the Cookie Jar and we’ll get back to you. 🙂

Now, yes the mini is cuteness defined, but that little freebie isn’t all we’ve got for you! If you complete the mini challenge, post your creation (layout, hybrid–whatever you can dream up!) in the gallery and keep track, you can earn a really great reward depending on how many challenges you complete: one buffet item of your choosing, two buffet items of your choosing or the grand prize (cue the drum roll)…a $5 store gift certificate you can spend on any kit you want! PRETTY sweet deal, if you ask me! Just start your tally in the October Challenge Points Tracking thread and at the end of the month, we’ll tally your challenges up and send you a prize: woot! ^_^ If you haven’t joined us for our monthly challenges before…well, there’s no time like the present! 🙂

That’s it for this week, all. Make sure you’re getting your challenges done and posted in the gallery so we can ooh and ahh and leave your some love! Have a fantastic week; see y’all next Tuesday! 😀

Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenge #1

Happy Tuesday everyone, hope your week is off to a good start. This week I am spotlighting the template challenge for the first half of September hosted by Rachel of Pretty in Green. This freebie challenge only runs for credit through September 15 (although you can snag the template all month long and post your scrap), so I wanted to let you all see the lovely little template Rachel made for us in time to get the challenge completed for credit.

I love a unique template; I like the circular and rectangular photo spots here and just the fun general design. I’ve been poking around in the challenge thread and found some great layouts for inspiration for you…

By altimasport

By rdjrneace

By mamaape

I like how Chris used the center photo space for journaling–great idea, Debbie’s geeky cluster and how April framed the reflection. Awesome pages ladies…and so many more gorgeous pages in the template challenge gallery, as well.

Don’t forget, this template challenge has to be completed and tracked by September 15 to count for credit towards your monthly total. Claim your spot in the September Challenge Points Tracking Thread and keep your tally going to earn some cool prizes at the end of the month. If you have any questions about this or any of our other monthly challenges, head over to the Cookie Jar and ask away.

That’s it for today; have a great rest of your week, everyone, and I will see you all next week.