June Featured Designer – JB Studio

Happy June everyone. Dropping in here to share my interview with Dani of JB Studio. Make sure to read all the way to the very end for some exciting news from Dani.

How did you get started in digital scrapbooking?

I started as a paper scrapper and I admit I didn’t like the idea of going digital. After some friends in a Brazilian scrap community convincing me, I decided to give it a try and never went back.

What made you decide to design?

I’m always looking for new challenges. I love learning new things. Some friends said they believed I would be a good designer and guided me. I started creating a few freebies.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Photoshop, Illustrator and a small wacom for drawings.

Describe your design workplace.

I have a cluttered desk. I just can’t creative in an empty space. LOL I have lots of papers and colored pencils and pens because I like writing, drawing and painting. Besides that, there’s my desktop computer, a printer and some decorative stuff. I always have a glass of coke or water on the desk, too.

What is your favorite thing about designing?

It’s a hard question. I’m not sure if I have a favorite thing. I love planning, I love creating, I love connecting with my audience and staff. What I love the most is the fact that I work from home and am my own boss. LOL

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

My favorite is usually the newest. This time it’s Denim & Glitter Collection. It’s so girly!

What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?

I learned to live in the moment, so if I’m sad or depressed, I embrace it. I allow myself to feel everything I’m supposed to feel, I don’t resist it. I like journaling, for me it’s the way I reflect about what I’m feeling. It usually helps understand and overcome that moment.

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

I guess I didn’t have the best yet. I love traveling, but I haven’t traveled much in my life yet.

Which is your most cherished childhood memory?

I don’t have many childhood memories. My memory sucks! But I remember (and it brings a smile to my face) when I used to sing and dance in the living room. I still love to dance and sing.

Do you believe in ghosts?

Yes, I do. But I don’t believe in bad ghosts, the ones who are between us to scare and harm people. I believe in the ones who are here to support us and the ones that are lost between us when they’re supposed to go somewhere else.

Who is your celebrity crush?

Ben Afleck, always Ben Afleck and Ryan Reynolds.

What do you order when you go to Starbucks?

I never go to Starbucks. It’s not a very common café here in Brazil, you may find a few stores in the big cities, but I live in a small town. I think I went just once and I don’t remember what I ordered. I remember I didn’t find anything very special about it. (I hope I don’t hurt anybody’s feelings here. )

What is your favorite kind of cookie?

I’m not very into cookies. I rarely eat them, when I do, my favorite is Chocolate Chips.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?


Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

I used to be a pessimist, always worrying and complaining about things, even though I thought I was an optimist. Nowadays I think I’m very positive because I try to live in the moment and make the best of all situations.

Would you change your name if you could? If so, what would you change it to?

My name is pretty common here in Brazil. I have already studied with 4 other girls with the same name and I worked with 3 ladies and a man named like me. I didn’t like that. Nowadays, I don’t mind. I think it’s not that important. There are things that matter most to me, so I don’t bother.

What is your favorite pizza topping?

Anything with a lot of cheese. I love cheese!

If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don’t judge people. You don’t know what they’ve been through.

What do you do to wake up in the morning?

I use an alarm clock. LOL

What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to?

I have Japanese food every month. If I could, I would have it daily, unfortunatelly, it’s expensive. Hehe

What did you want to be when you were small?

A singer.

Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?

None. None. None. I hate house chores.

If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?

All of them! LOL

What would you do if you won the lottery?

First of all I would hire a professional to advise me because there’s so much I wanna do and I want to do it all without harming my wealth. Then, I would travel, buy a house at the beach, invest in family members’ projects/business and make a charity plan to donate in a regular basis.

What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?

Trees, birds and butterflies.

Share your favorite recipe with us.

I love all chicken recipes. One I tried and I love is Teryaki Chicken: https://br.pinterest.com/pin/233905774374718764/

Remember that news I mentioned earlier? This is directly from Dani’s email to her subscribers a few days ago:

I’m opening a new shop exclusively for templates at Gingerscraps. This is something I’ve been thinking about for months, I’ve talked to Ginger about it months ago and I created a few packs of templates, but not enough for a new shop. I don’t know the reason why I was in a creative block, but I was. I usually make templates from my own layouts and I struggled to scrap for almost an year and a half. I bet you saw me mention I wanted to scrap more… but my mojo resisted to come back. In May, I got back to scrapping and I feel inspired now and that was the perfect opportunity to make it happen. I talked to Ginger and she liked the idea…

Check out the goodies from the new JB Studio Template Shop – aren’t they just lovely?

Dani is also offering 40% off in her main shop through the 10th.

And make sure that you are downloading the Daily Download from the blog every day. The links only stay up for a few days.

Check out the JB Studio Store and JB Studio Template Store at GS, her Facebook Page, and her Blog.

April Featured Designer Part 2 – Dear Friends Designs

Hi my sweet scrapping friends! It’s time for the second part of April’s Featured Designer interviews. Dear Friends Designs is made up of the fabulous Colleen and Trina. Let’s see how they answered my questions. We’ll talk with Colleen first.

How did you get started in digital scrapbooking?

Trina introduced me to it in 2008.

What made you decide to design?

We were always making our own templates when scrapping and couldn’t seem to find the perfect template designer to fit our needs.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Adobe CS5. I will use the shape and brush tools. We have created our own styles, actions, brushes, and shapes for our templates.

Describe your design workplace.

I have a roll-top desk that was converted from an old organ (I nabbed it at a thrift store) and a really cute and comfy office chair. I always have a blanket (my downstairs is freezing) and a cup of coffee or glass of lemon water and sometimes chocolate. 😉

What is your favorite thing about designing?

Seeing other people’s layouts that the created with out templates.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

I love our Big Memories series. We are at Vol 5 already. I love being able to showcase a huge photo but still have the opportunity to showcase several other ones from an event or photo session.

What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?

Hmm, I don’t get depressed, and I feel like I don’t get sad very often. If I am really sad, I will cry. I also like to talk to my husband when I am feeling down and stressed.

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

This is way too hard to answer! I have loved all my vacations for different reasons. I love to travel, and we travel all the time.

Which is your most cherished childhood memory?

I think I had a pretty awesome childhood. I was lucky. I think being able to vacation with my family and spend weekends at the cabin really stand out the most for me.

Do you believe in ghosts?


Who is your celebrity crush?

I don’t have one.

What do you order when you go to Starbucks?

Caramel Macchiato with an extra flavor shot.

What is your favorite kind of cookie?

Gingerbread or iced molasses – they have to be soft though!

How old were you when you had your first kiss?

6th grade.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


Would you change your name if you could? If so, what would you change it to?


What is your favorite pizza topping?

This really depends on my mood. Italian sausage and black olives. Hawaiian. Meat Lovers.

If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be?

Be kind!

What do you do to wake up in the morning?

My alarm goes off, and I immediately hop out of bed. No snooze button or lounging for me.

What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to?

Coffee shop coffee.

What did you want to be when you were small?


Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?

Anything but wash dishes!

If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?

Cleaning! My husband already does the yard work, and I love cooking.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Buy a huge hobby farm, share money with my family, take my family and friends on a vacation to a private island, rescue animals, help war veterans, volunteer in urban schools.

What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?

My beautiful maple tree.

Share your favorite recipe with us.

There’s no recipe to share. It’s tacos. haha

Thanks Colleen!!

Now let’s hear from Trina.

How did you get started in digital scrapbooking?

Back in early 2007 (yikes, sounds like a LONG time ago!) I was pregnant with my second child and making a wedding slideshow for my SIL of her old photos and her hubby to be’s old photos. Was having fun, then started searching for ways to make it fancier and stumbled upon digital scrapbooking! I used to sell Creative Memories, and was only about 4 pages in PAPER scrapbook for my oldest. I was instantly hooked, shortly after sold my paper supplies and never looked back!

What made you decide to design?

It has always intrigued me, I’ve dabbled with different types of designing, and never seemed to be able to leave a template alone and just use it. Got to the point where Colleen & I were both just making our own templates, so we hemmed and hawed and eventually bit the bullet and asked Ginger what she thought – she was so encouraging and excited for us, now its been a year!

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Adobe Creative Cloud. I have been addicted to Photoshop since high school when I learned to use it for yearbook! I create EVERYTHING in Photoshop, fliers, applications, etc., I mean everything!

Describe your design workplace.

Wherever my laptop happens to be, traveling with me in the car I make hubby drive so I can design and or scrap. Sometimes in the chair. When my back was bad before surgery I’d be laying on the living room floor! Now most often its on a desk right in my living room.

What is your favorite thing about designing?

That its work, that doesn’t feel like work, and I still get to scrapbook! Getting to know other awesome designers, and working with some pretty amazing CT!

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

I’ll answer this for favorite template set – although its really tough to choose just one! I LOVE piling on photos and doing 2 page spreads, so any one of those are in the running. Um – I’ll just throw one out there – “Happy Times”.

What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?

Scrap, read, go for a walk.

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

I can’t choose just one, we travel quite a bit, and camp and do all sorts of things. My Australia trip in HS was pretty awesome, I so want to take my kids back there some day!

Which is your most cherished childhood memory?

Camping and doing things together as a family. There was one camping trip in northern Minnesota that we laugh about now – the kids were in one tent and my parents were in a separate tent. We got woken up at night by a lot of banging of our pots and pans and food bins, I yell out, “Dad what are you doing?” and he sounds all groggy, and says, “Um, I’m getting a drink of water” Turns out later it was a bear helping himself to our food! HAHA! Great quick thinking to not freak out the kids Dad!

Do you believe in ghosts?

Yes and no. ha!

Who is your celebrity crush?

Don’t really have one – but if I absolutely had to choose one – maybe Adam Levine?

What do you order when you go to Starbucks?

Good question – never been to a Starbucks – we don’t have one anywhere near here (hello middle of nowhere Wisconsin!) Plus I don’t drink coffee – so if they sell tea or hot cocoa it would be that!

What is your favorite kind of cookie?

Monster Cookie or Oatmeal Raisin! (those are healthy – right?!)

How old were you when you had your first kiss?

Well I know I had a kiss in kindergarten – does that count? haha!

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


Would you change your name if you could? If so, what would you change it to?

No, but there was a while there after Hurricane Katrina that the name got a little old, someone would meet me for the first time and I’d say my name was Katrina, and it was “Like the Hurricane?” yes, like the hurricane.

What is your favorite pizza topping?

CHEESE!! And pineapple!

If you could give the world one/ piece of advice, what would it be?

Life is short & precious, you never know when it’s your time to go. Love one another, Forgive one another and ENJOY!

What do you do to wake up in the morning?

I hate mornings – I’d much rather be up LATE! (maybe that’s why I don’t like mornings? I stay up too late – but there’s something about a quiet house and me doing whatever I want!) I recently had another thought about my lack of love for mornings, maybe if I started drinking coffee I’d like mornings?! Haha!

What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to?

Not much, I have a hard time spending money on myself, but I love to buy things for my 4 kids! I did recently splurge and by myself a new purse (which is more of a bag because I don’t do purses!) Its awesome and I love it and want 2 more!

What did you want to be when you were small?

Veterinarian – yes Colleen & I have the same answer – and that’s how we met for those who didn’t read our designer survey when we became designers – we went to different high schools, but her senior year and my junior year we took a college Animal Science class (still one of my favorite classes to this day!) Through college I was still going to be a veterinarian and specialize in surgery! Then I met my hubby (well just started dating him) and then it was ok what can I switch my major to and still get out in 4 years – so Biology/Life Science teacher it is!

Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?

ANYTHING but dishes! I love to mow the lawn (and yes we have a push mower). I also love to vacuum!

If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?

Definitely cleaning! I could make all the mess I want while cooking, and they could clean it up!!

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Buy land out in the country and build my dream house! And do a LOT of traveling!

What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?

My kids’ playset.

Share your favorite recipe with us.

I don’t too often use recipes, just kind of wing things or use what i always use. I love anything Mexican/taco related! But my kids have been on a “sticky bun” kit lately (think caramel rolls). So we’ve made those a couple times lately. I’ll share that recipe – its super easy – and a great weekend recipes! Buy a bag of frozen Rhodes rolls. Melt together on stove: 1 stick of butter, 1/2 c brown sugar, 1 t of cinnamon. While that is cooking, Grease a bundt pan (but lets be honest and say 2, the last 2 times they overflowed on me and made a huge mess! haha). Dump in pecans (if you chose – we do one pan with and one pan without). Then dump in the frozen rolls. Sprinkle one box of the cook & serve butterscotch pudding over the rolls (yes just the powder, don’t prepare the pudding). Then drizzle the melted mixture over the top of the rolls. Cover with a cloth and let rise over night. Back for 30 min at 350* for a gooey yummy treat!

Thanks Trina!!

Make sure to check out their GS Store and FB page. They are also running a sale this month to celebrate their one year birthday of designing.

Make sure you are checking the blog each day and grabbing the daily download. CathyK and Dear Friends designs have put together this month’s daily download.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the month!!

April Featured Designer Part 1 – CathyK Designs

Welcome to April! This month we are featuring CathyK Designs and Dear Friends Designs. So much good fun from these girls, I’m going to split this into at least two posts. Let’s see what Cathy had to say to my questions.

How did you get started in digital scrapbooking?

I was introduced to digital scrapbooking when my oldest son was in grade school and I was helping another mom work on a class scrapbook. I had tried paper scrapping when my son was born, but it just didn’t stick with me.

What made you decide to design?

I started making some freebies just for fun, then got hooked!

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

Photoshop CS4 and Inkscape

Describe your design workplace.

I have a computer desk with a large display in our family room. I’ve tried working on a laptop, but the tiny screen size just doesn’t work for me.

What is your favorite thing about designing?

I like seeing an idea come to fruition and then seeing how scrappers use that kit to scrap their precious memories.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Noooo, don’t make me choose between my babies, LOL! They’re all special in some way. I guess I’ve been thinking a lot about camping lately wishing for summer, so my Go Camping and Go Hiking Collections have been on my mind lately.

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

Disney World with my family.

Which is your most cherished childhood memory?

Christmases at mygrandparents’ house.

Do you believe in ghosts?


Who is your celebrity crush?

Mark Harmon

What do you order when you go to Starbucks?

Decaf Skinny Hazelnut Latte

What is your favorite kind of cookie?

Pecan Pie Bars

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


Would you change your name if you could? If so, what would you change it to?

Nope, I’m fine with my name.

What is your favorite pizza topping?

Black olives and banana peppers.

If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don’t be so quick to judge people. Your first impression of them may not really be who they are at all.

What do you do to wake up in the morning?

Drink coffee.

What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to?

Starbucks Latte or Frappucino

What did you want to be when you were small?

An architect, I used to design dream bedrooms when I was younger.

Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?

None of them, LOL! But if I had to pick one, I guess it would be to wash dishes.

If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning ,cooking, or yard work?

Cleaning, for sure.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Pay off the house, buy a new car, pay for 2 college educations, share with family, and maybe splurge on a vacation of some kind, and save most of it for retirement.

What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?

Right now, it’s several inches of snow, in April!

Share your favorite recipe with us.

This one is so easy, and my teenage sons absolutely love it!

Chocolate Caramel Cake

Bake a 9×13 chocolate cake. Poke holes in it with the end of a wooden spoon. Pour over a can of sweetened condensed milk. After that has soaked in, pour over a jar of caramel sauce. Once that has soaked in,top with a small container of Cool Whip, then sprinkle with Heath Bar pieces. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Thanks Cathy! Make sure to check out her GS Store, Facebook Page, and Blog.

Also make sure you are grabbing the daily download from the blog everyday. Our featured designers have put together a cool kit for you.

Check back soon for the next part of our Featured Designer post featuring the girls from Dear Friends Designs.


March Featured Designer – Leaving a Legacy Designs

Good Sunday morning everyone. I can’t believe it’s almost the middle of March. I finally slowed down a little and got a chance to talk to Kimberly of Leaving a Legacy Designs and ask her a few questions.

How did you get started in digital scrapbooking?
I started digiscrapping in 2011.
What made you decide to design?
I decided to start designing in 2011 when I figured out how to scan my punched art into the computer and clean it up.
What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?
I use Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator to design.
Describe your design workplace.
I usually design in an office but I also have a laptop that will travel with me so I can design almost anywhere.
What is your favorite thing about designing?
I love creating the themed elements and coming up with the idea.
What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?
Picking a favorite kit is like picking a favorite child, I couldn’t pick one. I do however really like my newest one Sleepy Head right now.
What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?
When I am depressed I like to scrap or sleep.
Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?
Any vacations with my family especially the ones to Disney World.
Which is your most cherished childhood memory?
Holidays with my family.
What do you order when you go to Starbucks?
I don’t go to Starbucks (gasp!).
What is your favorite kind of cookie?
Chocolate chip.
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
Would you change your name if you could? If so, what would you change it to?
I like my name. 
What is your favorite pizza topping?
I am simple..cheese and pepperoni.
If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be?
Love God, Love others.
What do you do to wake up in the morning?
Drink water and my Plexus.
What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to?
A pedicure each month.
What did you want to be when you were small?
A teacher.
Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn,clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
Vacuum any time.
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
I would hire someone to clean.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
Give some, pay off the house and hire a maid.
What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?
Trees and kids playing.
Share your favorite recipe with us.
Cinnamon Roll Bites. Open a 12-oz can of biscuits; cut each into fourths. Toss to coat pieces in a mixture of 1/4 C brown sugar + 1T cinnamon. Spread in baking dish. Pour on 3T melted butter. Bake 20-25 min. Once done cover with cream cheese frosting and enjoy! My oldest is allergic to red dye as well as some preservatives so we make our own version of cinnamon buns/bites.

Thanks Kimberly! Make sure to check out her GS Store, her Facebook page, and her blog.

And make sure you are grabbing the Daily Download each day from the GingerScraps Blog.


February Feature Designer – Seatrout Scraps

It’s time for our February Feature Designer interview. This month, the lovely and awesome Rachel of Seatout Scraps has volunteered to answer our questions. Some serious, some crazy. Let’s see what Rachel has to say.

How did you get started in digital scrapbooking?

I started paper scrapping many years ago and made the switch to digital in about 2010. I saw layouts in galleries online and thought … hey, I want a go at that !!

What made you decide to design?

I was on the Creative Team for quite a lot of designers and people kept asking me whose templates I used. When they found out I was making my own, they asked me if I would sell them and it started from there.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

Photoshop Creative Cloud and Adobe Illustrator

Describe your design workplace.

One corner of the sofa with a small dog jammed in next to me.

What is your favorite thing about designing?

The creative outlet … and being able to work for myself.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

My favorite kit is always the last one I worked on.

What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?

I don’t really do sad or depressed. I am a glass half full kind of a gal.

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

We traveled on a roadtrip through the Rockies from Denver, up through Wyoming, stopping at Mount Rushmore and on through to Yellowstone. Then back through Idaho and Nevada to my stepdaughters in California. A 2 week trip that I will never forget.

Do you believe in ghosts?


Who is your celebrity crush?

Timothy Olyphant

What do you order when you go to Starbucks?

The nearest Starbucks is about 40 miles away .. I live in the middle of nowhere.

What is your favorite kind of cookie?

No cookies … not a sweet lover … give me cheese instead.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?

Maybe 13 or 14.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


Would you change your name if you could? If so, what would you change it to?


What is your favorite pizza topping?


What do you do to wake up in the morning?

I am always awake by 4.30am – 5am. Love mornings.

What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to?

A walk on the beach. I treat myself to that most days.

What did you want to be when you were small?

I seem to remember that I changed my mind every few days.

Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?

None of the above. I have an amazing husband that is in charge of the house.

If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?

See above LOL.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Travel more.

What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?

I look out onto our garden.

Share your favorite recipe with us.

Not a foodie at all. I rarely cook and left to my own devices, I eat cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner because it takes no thought !!

Thanks Rachel!!

Make sure to check out her GS Store, her Facebook page, her Facebook group, and her blog. She’s always offering her fans freebies.

November Featured Designers

Welcome to November. Have you been enjoying all the DSD celebrations? I had pleasure to interview our Featured Designers (Craft-tastrophic Designs, Dagi’s Temp-tations, and Seatrout Scraps) this month and want to share with you their answers to my fun questions.

First up is Ivonne from Craft-tastropic Designs:

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I would love to visit Niagara Falls because I imagine they are amazing to see.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Handle with care when hungry!

What is one thing you will never do again?

I will never try anchoes again.

What’s your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is Megamind.

Do you love or hate rollercoasters?

Love rollercoasters.

Do you believe there is intelligent life in outer space?

Of course.

What was the last thing you ate?

I just had some delicious Shrimp Cocktail.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

I would like to be an orange crayon.

Pirates or Ninjas?


Country or City?


Morning or Night?


Indoors or Outdoors?


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Cats or Dogs?


Who did you look up to as a kid?

My father.

What is the one thing that makes you happy despite any mood?


Do you have any tattoos? If yes what and where are they- If no do you want any and what would you get?

I don’t have any… But I may like a whimsy dragonfly.

Name one television character that you simply adore?

I love Agent Dinozzo from NCIS.

Thanks Ivonne! Make sure to check out her GS Store, Facebook page, and Blog.

Next up is Dagi of Dagi’s Temp-tations.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

All around the world I guess as I have met many fabulous ladies thanks to digital scrapbooking and I’d love to meet them in person.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Danger – don’t talk to me until I had my coffee.

What’s your favorite movie?

Love Actually

Do you love or hate rollercoasters?

I’ve never been on one and I never will try one – it scares me!

Do you believe there is intelligent life in outer space?

I believe there is life in outer space, not sure whether it’s intelligent or not.

What was the last thing you ate?

A roll with ham and cheese and beetroot for dinner.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?


What’s your biggest pet peeve?

The sound crickets make.. it’s driving me nuts.

Pirates or Ninjas?


Country or City?


Morning or Night?


Indoors or Outdoors?


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Cats or Dogs?


Who did you look up to as a kid?

Lady Diana

What is the one thing that makes you happy despite any mood?

My kids’ smiles and laughter.

Do you have any tattoos? If yes what and where are they – If no do you want any and what would you get?

I do have one on my shoulder blade and I’d like to have one more done sometime in the future – my kids names and their birth days.

Name one television character that you simply adore?


Thanks Dagi. Don’t forget to look at her GS Store and Facebook page.

And now, let’s talk to Rachel of Seatrout Scraps.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

California – that is where my stepdaughter and grandkids live.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Control Freak

What is one thing you will never do again?


What’s your favorite movie?

Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Do you love or hate rollercoasters?


Do you believe there is intelligent life in outer space?

I hope there is.

What was the last thing you ate?

Breakfast cereal.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?


What’s your biggest pet peeve?

People that promise to do something and then don’t.

Pirates or Ninjas?


Country or City?


Morning or Night?


Indoors or Outdoors?


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Cats or Dogs?


Who did you look up to as a kid?

My parents.

What is the one thing that makes you happy despite any mood?

My little dog Mitzi.

Do you have any tattoos? If yes what and where are they- If no do you want any and what would you get?

Yes, on my right shoulder I have a rose.

Name one television character that you simply adore?

Sheldon Cooper

That was great. Hop over to check out her GS Store and Facebook page.


Thanks again girls!!!


October Feature Designers – Designs by Mandy King and Pixelily Designs

I’m so excited to bring you two interviews today with our Feature Designers. Mandy with Designs by Mandy King and Lily of Pixelily Designs. They were both gracious enough to answer my off the wall questions. Let’s start with Mandy.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Italy! Venice, in particular. I’m fascinated by the canals and waterways they have instead of roads.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Don’t mess with my Diet Coke.

What is one thing you will never do again?

Eat a raw oyster.

What’s your favorite movie?

Gone With The Wind

Do you love or hate roller coasters?

Hmmm…this is a tough one, because in my mind they look REALLY fun, but since I’ve gotten older they make me feel sick.

Do you believe there is intelligent life in outer space?


What was the last thing you ate?

Hershey’s chocolate

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

Yellow – happy color

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

People who are late

Pirates or Ninjas?


Country or City?


Morning or Night?


Indoors or Outdoors?


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Cats or Dogs?


Who did you look up to as a kid?

My mother

What is the one thing that makes you happy despite any mood?

Diet Coke

Do you have any tattoos? If yes what and where are they- If no do you want any and what would you get?

I don’t have any and have never had the desire to get one.

Name one television character that you simply adore?

Amy Duncan from Good Luck Charlie.

Thanks Mandy. Make sure to check out her GS Store, Facebook page, and her blog. Also, she has a coupon for you this month.

Now, let’s talk to Lily.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Raja Ampat in Papua Island, Indonesia. It’s the most beautiful hidden paradise in the world, really a place I must go before I die.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

No Question Allowed!

What is one thing you will never do again?

Riding a roller coaster. The most horrible lifetime experience ever.

What’s your favorite movie?

All 007 movies.

Do you love or hate rollercoasters?

See the answer above.

Do you believe there is intelligent life in outer space?

Not a piece.

What was the last thing you ate?

A slice of birthday cake, a chocolate cake with dark chocolate ganache and creamy chocolate cream between the layers.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

That’s green.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Hearing my husband singing in the shower in his flat tone. It’s been 13 years and extra years are coming.

Pirates or Ninjas?

Ninjas ! I am a Ninja mom since 2002!

Country or City?


Morning or Night?


Indoors or Outdoors?


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Cats or Dogs?

Neither, I hate furry things!

Who did you look up to as a kid?

My mom, she took care of my and 3 other siblings while my dad was traveling a lot for his job.

What is the one thing that makes you happy despite any mood?

A cup of hot cafe latte and a molten lava cake. Can’t beat them!

Do you have any tattoos? If yes what and where are they- If no do you want any and what would you get?


Name one television character that you simply adore?

Tony DiNozzo of NCIS. He has all the quality to be my favorite guy.

Thanks Lily!! Check out her GS Store, Facebook page, and blog. She also has offered a great coupon for you this month.

They have also come together to offer our Daily Download this month. Here is a sneak peek:

Whew….that was long. 🙂 Hope you all have a great week!!


May Featured Designer – Scraps by Missy

Happy May. Did everyone have fun with iNSD? I know it was sure busy around here. I wanted to hold off on posting this until things calmed down a little. Hopefully the weather is warming up in most places. I live just outside of Charlotte, NC and we are gearing up not only for the Wells Fargo Golf Championship this week, but this is also the beginning of 10 days of NASCAR racing at the speedway. Is the rest of your May as busy as mine looks to be? I would love to hear about your plans as we prepare for SUMMER!

This month our Feature Designer is Missy from Scraps by Missy. She was gracious enough to answer some of my off the wall (but fun) questions.

What is your favorite “go-to” color palette?

I’m not sure I have a go-to palette but I love anything with pinks and purples.

What is your favorite treat to have close while designing?

Sweet tea or ice water.

Do you have job outside of designing? If so, what do you do (if you don’t mind sharing)?

I’m a stay-at-home mom, and it’s a full time job .

What is the current ringtone on your phone?

Stop, I’m Already Dead by Deadboy & the Elephantmen

If you were deserted on an island (with all water/food provided), what three things would you want to have with you?

Family, portable solar panel charger, laptop!

If you could spend the day with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?

Sam Heughan…that would be a perfect day!

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?


What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?

I love all kinds of music, I may have the weirdest soundtrack out there….lol. Country, pop, rock, 80’s and 90’s are some of my favs.

What would you sing at Karaoke night?

Welcome to the Jungle

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Caution: Wide Load!

What is one thing you will never do again?

Get married, once is enough!

What’s your favorite movie?

Gone With The Wind

Do you love or hate roller coasters?


Do you believe there is intelligent life in outer space?


What was the last thing you ate?

A taco

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?


What’s your biggest pet peeve?


Pirates or Ninjas?


Country or City?


Morning or Night?


Indoors or Outdoors?


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Cats or Dogs?


Thanks to Missy for playing along.

Are you collecting the pieces for this month’s Daily Download? Make sure you grab the download from the blog each day. The fill kit will be available in the store in June.

Make sure to check out Missy’s store. She has graciously offered a coupon for this month. It’s good for $2 off any $5 purchase (sbm_ds2). Also check out her Facebook page and her blog.

Don’t forget to leave a comment about how YOUR May is shaping up.


April Featured Designer – Part 2


Can you believe it’s almost the middle of the month? Where is the time going?

I wanted to pop back in here with a quick reminder about the sale that our Featured Designers have going on through April 15.




Also make sure you are grabbing the Daily Downloads by North Meets South Studios – a collaboration of Connie Prince and Trixie Scraps.


Enjoy the rest of your month and make sure to get yourself rested up for iNSD. As always, GingerScraps will be having a blowout celebration starting on May 1. Keep your eyes open for information to be released on sales, chats, contests, and that pesky little Gingerbread man.


April Featured Designer – Part 1 – Designs by Connie Prince


Happy Easter everyone! This month we have an awesome two-some feature. Designs by Connie Prince and Trixie Scraps Designs. First up, we’re going to chat with Connie. Let’s see how she answered our fun questions.

What is your favorite “go-to” color palette?

Anything primary, bold, & bright!

What is your favorite treat to have close while designing?


Do you have job outside of designing? If so, what do you do (if you don’t mind sharing)?

I homeschool my son who is 17 and in 11th grade.

What is the current ringtone on your phone?

Mario Brothers music

If you were deserted on an island (with all water/food provided), what three things would you want to have with you?

My family (including the dogs), endless supply of books to read, and my phone.

If you could spend the day with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?

Definitely my mom. She passed away in 2011 and I miss talking to her very much.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I would love to visit Ireland and Australia!

What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?

My favorite song of the moment is Kelly Clarkson’s “Heartbeat Song”, it pumps me up!

What would you sing at Karaoke night?

Let’s see the last time I did karaoke I sang (very badly) Friends In Low Places.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Incredibly silly.

What is one thing you will never do again?

Eat squid, yucko!

What’s your favorite movie?

This is always a hard one for me because I love so many, but Gone With The Wind is my all time favorite, I think.

Do you love or hate roller coasters?

Love them!

Do you believe there is intelligent life in outer space?

I think in some distant universe there probably is.

What was the last thing you ate?

Oatmeal with fruit.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

Hot Pink!

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Cruelty of any kind.

Pirates or Ninjas?

Ninjas, hands down!

Country or City?

Suburbs lol.

Morning or Night?


Indoors or Outdoors?


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Cats or Dogs?


Thanks for playing along Connie.

Make sure to check out Connie’s GS Store, Facebook page and Blog. Also her store is on sale:


Did you know that our Featured Designers design together as North Meets South Studios? Connie and Tracy hava collaborated again for April’s Daily Download.

Make sure you are coming to the blog each day to pick up the pieces.

I’ll be back soon with Part 2 of our Featured Designer post. Until then….
