GingerBread Girls Inspiration – alannabanana


Good Monday morning scrappers!! Can you believe that the end of the year is just a few short weeks away? That (if you celebrate) Christmas is just around the corner?! What happened to 2017?! It has flown by!! In thinking of how fast 2017 skipped on by, I got to thinking. We have not had a GingeerBread Girl highlight here on the blog in a while. So we are going to do just that.

For those who are not familiar with the titles around GingerScraps, a GingerBread Girl is a creative team member. Those ladies who work hard to bring all those kits you love to action. Today, we are going to pull a bit of inspiration from:

Alanna aka: alannabanana

Check out her full gallery HERE.

I was stalking the galleries and Alanna’s jumped out to me. She scraps with beautiful composition on everyone I saw. Her cluster work is amazing. I love clustering on layouts. I have to say a number of her layouts have made it to my inspiration board! She also has perfect shadow work; and she really knows how to use her scrap space. Be it a whitespace layout or a page full of digi-scrap goodies. Here are a few of my favorite from her gallery:


I told you that her gallery has some amazing inspiration! These are just a drop in the water. Go check out her GALLERY and look around. If you find yourself scraplifting and finding something that speaks to you in inspiration, let us know! Come back and link up your layout. We would love to see it. Happy Scrapping!


GingerBread Girls Inspiration – Danica

Hello fellow scrappers. Team member La’Shawn here to bring you some inspiration from one of our talented creative team members. You may know them by their name of GingerBread Girls. We have some of the most talented, loyal and fun girls around scrappy town! There is tons of inspiration to be had from their galleries.

Today we are going to take a look at and get some great inspriation from Danica. She is known around the scrappy community as weaselwatchr. Let us take a look at some of her fantastic layouts to start out with. (All images are linked, of course!)





GingerBread Girl Inspiration: Lori

Good afternoon scrappers! Today we are going to be getting some digital scrapbooking inspiration from one of the GingerBread girls. One of my scrappy friends to be exact! I so enjoy seeing her layouts and just know you will get some inspiration as well.  Today we are going to be taking a look at Lori (aka lorigaud)’s gallery.

Lori’s gallery is packed full of real-life moments scrapped. She has such great clusters, wonderful photos, wonderful examples of pocket scrapbooking, and she is a wonderful example of stepping out from behind the camera and scrapping herself as well. Here are just a few examples of Lori’s layouts. All images are linked. I hope you get some inspiration from these & if you have the time, leave her some love.








I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did. Happy Scrapping!

GingerBread Girl Inspiration: Colleen


Good afternoon scrappers! Today we are going to be getting some digital scrapbooking inspiration from one of the GingerBread girls. One of the lead GingerBread girls to be exact! Today we are going to be taking a look at Colleen’s gallery.


Colleen’s gallery is packed full of real-life moments scrapped. Each layout is filled with great photos and fun themes! Colleen can really fill a page. She knows how to take a kit and use it to make her photos shine. Everything she seems to scrap really compliments each other. She also has some fantastic two-page layouts! Here are just a few examples of Colleen’s layouts. All images are linked. I hope you get some inspiration from these & if you have the time, leave her some love.





Great, right!

GingerBread Girls Inspiration| Bekki aka bekfek


Good morning and welcome to February! I hope you are grabbing up and scrapping with all the great buffet goodies that hit the store today. Today we hope to bring you some inspiration. You can look no further for inspiration than the GingerScraps’ talented creative team. Today we are going to take a look a some layouts from just one of these talented ladies. Today’s layouts are brought to you by Bekki…aka bekfek. You can find her layouts in her GALLERY. Let us just get right to it. (All images linked to their gallery counterpart.)









What great layouts, right? There is this and more inspiration to be found in Bekki’s gallery. She has such a great eye for paper and beautiful photos. As a lover of all things scrapbook-clustery (that is totally a real term. lol), I love all her clustery goodness! Her layouts stand out in the gallery and I hope you found some inspiration to get those layouts coming along. Happy Scrapping!


GingerBread Girl Inspiration: Atusia

It is that time again scrappers! The time we take just a moment out of our day to get some inspiration from one of our lovely CT members. Otherwise known as a GingerBread Girl. Today, we are going to take a look at the talented Atusia. Or Beata. 🙂

We are going to take a look at some of her beautiful layouts below. Some of, just a few, that caught my eye. Don’t take my word for it though. Seriously. Make sure you go check out her gallery. Ever lacking in some digital scrapbooking mojo, look no further! Beata really knows how to use a kit! Her layouts are beautifully clusters and have that whimsical look to them. I couldn’t scrap like that if I tried..she does it masterfully!





Fantastic layouts, right? There are so many more in her gallery. Even if you are not lacking in the scrappy mojo, go on over and look around. See what catches your eye. Leave some love…above all…SCRAP! 🙂 We would love to see what you scrap! If you scraplift one of Beata’s layouts, link us up!

GingerBread Girl Inspiration: trina513


Today we are going to show you some inspiration from one of our very own GingerBread Girls! She isn’t just any GingerBread Girl!! She is one of the creative team leads. If you are asking what is a GingerBread girl, let me explain who they are. They are GingerScraps creative team. The ladies who bring you inspiration week-after-week using the GingerScraps’ designers latest and greatest designs.

Here are a few of Trina’s layouts that just jumped out of the gallery and grabbed me. Trina has a very clean and no-nonsense way of scrapping. Her layouts are scrapped in a way that the focus is on her great photos. Most all her layouts have journaling on them. Great composition, perfect element choices and placement, and just the right papers really make Trina’s layout standout and show off the memories. Here are just a few of those layouts. All images are linked. Make sure you run over and drop her a line!

GS_Survivor_2015_Week-2 GS_CMG_SnowMuchFun




Lovely layouts, right? Make sure you run over and leave her some love. If you are looking for some inspiration to get those creative juices flowing or looking for something to scraplift, Trina’s gallery is a place for that! Happy Scrapping!


GingerBread Girl Inspiration | Tinci


It is that time again. Time to ooh & ahh over a GingerBread Girl’s layouts. Grab some inspiration and give them some gallery loving! The GingerBreak girls work hard to bring fabulous layouts with the goodies from our designers.

Today, we are going to spotlight Kirsztina. Known as Tinci throughout the scrapping world. Here are some of her lovely layouts!

Tinci’s layouts always grab my attention in the galleries. Her use of pattern paper is always spot on! She really knows how to take patterned papers and make them work! Not to mention her clustering are lovely. Everything tucked in and just in their right place. There is so much to be had from her gallery. All the images above are linked. Make sure you run over and leave some love!


GingerBread Girls Inspiration


Good Monday morning scrappers!! Let us not dwell on the fact that it is Moday….sigh. Let us get scrap happy!! This Monday morning we are going to highlight a GingerBread girl. For those who are not familiar with the titles around GingerScraps, a GingerBread Girl is a creative team member. Those ladies who work hard to bring all those kits you love to action. Today, we are going to pull a bit of inspiration from


Check out her full gallery HERE.

I was stalking the galleries and Jennifer’s jumped out to me. Such great use of patterned papers, banners, and lovely photos. Don’t take my word for it though.

Tubing2012 BoysCaution LetItGoWeb LoveYouWeb MomentIntheCornWeb


I told you that her gallery has some amazing inspiration! These are just a drop in the water. Go check out her GALLERY and look around. If you find yourself scraplifting and finding something that speaks to you in inspiration, let us know! Come back and link up your layout. We would love to see it. Happy Scrapping!
