Feb Daily Download #10

Hello all!  Jacque here.  Just wanted to let you all know that I noticed in the comments the other day some mentions about switching over to the Pay with a Tweet or FB post type thing.  To my knowledge that is not in the plans at all!  We already have those little icons right down there by where you leave a comment – they are there in case you want to share the news of the Daily Download with your friends!  No pressure! 🙂

Now here’s your piece for today.  Just a heads up – there’s some pretty big news coming in tomorrow’s newsletter – are you signed up to receive it?  —-> Just click right over there to be sure you don’t miss it!

Have a great day!

Feb Daily Download


  1. We are definitely not switching over!! Not everyone has facebook or twitter. Like me!! We love that you guys are coming each day. Make sure you come hang out in the forum too! We always have fun!

  2. THANK YOU ;~}

  3. thanks again!

  4. Thanks for this addition! 🙂 Can’t wait to see the newsletter tomorrow! 🙂

  5. erin Johannes says

    Thank you! Loving this kit!

  6. thanks!

  7. Thank you 🙂

  8. Thank you so much!

  9. Thank you! I can’t wait to get the entire kit! Loving it 🙂

  10. crinkletoast says


  11. Thank you ♥♥♥

  12. Thank you for today’s download!!

  13. thanks for day 10 of this beautiful kit

  14. Thank you again.

  15. SO glad you’re not switching over and a huge thank you for today’s portion of this lovely kit! This is the 3rd daily download I’ve collected from Ginger scraps and they have all been both lovely and very original! Off to eagerly await the newsletter now LOL

  16. Thank you again for your generosity!

  17. Thanks for Day 10!

  18. Thank you 🙂

  19. thank you so much for the download a day freebie! I’m so glad you’re not switching to facebook/twitter..alot of people including myself refuse to join facebook so miss out on some things, so happy I won’t be missing the daily download..thanks so much again!

  20. Monkey Toes Too (Kim) says

    Thank you!!!

  21. Thanks for this kit, and thanks for not doing the pay with tweet thing.

  22. Thank you so much!

  23. Thank so much for the download. This kit is super!
    And a big thank you for no ‘facebook’ and ‘tweet’ pressures!! I don’t go there too often either.

  24. Came to your site through Reddit. You know I will be subscribing to your rss.