DD: May 19

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.



  1. Thank you so very much for all the wonderful daily downloads!

    I have a QUESTION about day 17 for this month….day 17 is thus far the only day that did not include a paper, there are files for papers 1 through 16 and then 18 & 19, is this correct, is there no paper file named paper17?

  2. Thank you!

  3. Nancy M. says

    thank you 🙂

  4. mcgaelicgal says

    Thanks for the last several days! 🙂 (I’m even more behind than usual! :-\)

  5. crystalnva says

    THANK YOU very much 🙂


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