Archives for July 5, 2010


Yup…it’s a Monday and I’m finally posting the LOTW winner for the week of 6/25! I can’t tell you how much holiday’s throw off my schedule. It seems that I always travel during the holidays and I need to start relaxing and scrapping instead!! Wish me luck with that.

This weeks winner is dricamendes.  Congrats to her! Check out her Gingerscraps gallery.

What are you waiting for? Go leave her some LOVE 🙂


Don’t forget to head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. Remember, you can be a LOTW winner too. All you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.

Challenge Spotlight – July Color Challenge

It’s July! Finally summer is showing up her in Idaho, how about where you live? Are you too busy to scrap? lucky for me photom isn’t. She’s won from last weeks challenge spotlight. Wish I had something patriotic, but the since I don’t have fireworks how about this Volcanic Alpha? 🙂 photom, you’ll find it in your GS inbox.

Now for this weeks Spotlight challenge we have Barb’s Color Challenge. The challenge is simple enough, Barb gives you a color pallet and you use every color in your layout. Here’s the fun colors for July!

You can use the great collab kit Gingerscraps County Fair or whatever else you happen to have lying around. But you must use all the colors shown.

Here’s Barb’s Layout:

by Barbara

What super fun colors! so go make your own layout for the July Color Challenge. Then come back here and post the link to your LO in the gallery and post it in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar). CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable.

Also, have you noticed our new cookie jar point system? If you leave a comment with your layout here not only do you have a chance to win but this week you also get a bonus brownie point!

Let me see those comments!