Special Edition *New GingerBread Lady!* Scrapbookizate

Are you all ready to welcome another *New GingerBread Lady*?

I am so excited to have her amazing goodies in our shop!! Please help give me a big GingerScraps welcome to Scrapbookizate!!

Here is a little bio so you can get to know her:

Hi, I’m new here!

I’m Aida Garmo, but I design using the name Scrapbookizate. In Spanish, “Scrapbookizate” means “turn into scrapbook!” so this is the reason why I pick this name LOL. I have been scrapping for a bit more than a year… I’m a baby designer! I’ve change my style a lot of times to find me more confortable with my designs and I think I’ve finally found the style that match me perfectly! I love scrapping and designing. I started as a CU designer, but then I discover that making kits is so addictive! I’m also an action-lover, and I’m now developing some actions… I really love it! You can visit my blog to stay updated and my Facebook Fan Page, where I’m now offering a RAK! But if you love freebies and you want to stay always updated, maybe you prefer to join to my newsletter; if you do so, you’ll receive a e-mail each week with the new releases and a freebie with each e-mail! Isn’t it so wonderful =P

Highlight products

Aidita Basics Make your own ladies for your kits using this wonderful template! Also, you can find an Expression Pack, some customes and more stuff to Aidita in my store. Text Action 01 Make awesome alphas and wordart (or even elements!) using this action which will create a cardboar with color above!
Designer Mix #4 10 unique, mixed elements to play with! A cardboar flower, a heart, a pin, a butterfly and much more! Cat Template Lovely an cute template to add to your kits and designs! Great for halloween or sweet kits!
Designer Mix #5 Even more exiting than the #4! Two felt items, a zipper, a charm, a text path, a styles set and much more! Boutique Page Kit If you are shop-o-holic, you need this kit to scrap about yourself! Wonderful colors and elements!
Alpha Template #1 Make your alpha using this 3D alpha, perfect for boy’s kit and fantasy desings! Element Action 01 From 1 element, to a composed element! It’s perfect to make flowers and even journal tags!
Paris Quick Pages If you want some quick pages about love, you will need this lovely quick pages to match your full-of-love photos! Text Action 02 Perfect action to make sticker alphas or wordart! You can change the color and use it in elements and shapes as well!
United States Page Kit It’s a perfect red and blue kit to match your 4th July photos! Paperclip Pack 15 assorted clips! Photographed, extracted and brought to you by me

You can find more products in my store, and remember that you can find freebies soon! So visit my store sometimes is the perfect way to earn free stuff! LOL I’m so happy so I decided to make a sale! From 6th to 10th all my stuff is 30% off! Hurry up and grab your favorite items! Aw! I forgot to say that I’m always looking for CT girls! If you are interested feel free to sent me a PM using the GingerScrap forum, and you can wear my blinkie, I would be glad!