Have you been enjoying our 12 days of Christmas? I sure have!! Time to put all those goodies to good use, but first lets give a cheer for last weeks challenge spotlight winner: Missdamsel with her beautiful Christmas Card! Here’s what you win Missi!
And now to this weeks challenge spotlight, Jodi’s Scraplift Challenge. Scraplifting is a fantastic way to get ideas for pages. It’s easy and fun! You simply find a LO you like and use the layout or anything from it really to inspire your own. Here’s some examples:
Jodi Lifted this adorable LO:
To make this:
& our Gingerbread Girl Astrid lifted this one:
to make this:
See how it works? Want to give it a try? Then head over to Scraplift for December and get scrapping! Then come back here and post the link to your LO in the gallery and post it in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar).
Bonus – I will give a Brownie point to everyone who comments with their LO link.
CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable. Let me see those comments!
I totally did this one! Love this challenge because it means I don’t have to be as creative 🙂 Hehe!
In gallery here: https://gallery.gingerscraps.net/showphoto.php?photo=24814&title=big-bro-2c-lil-27-sis&cat=510
Here’s mine… https://gallery.gingerscraps.net/showphoto.php?photo=24936&title=thanksgiving-2010&cat=510
Here’s mine…fun lift!