Fresh Baked! 12/31 and Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year Everyone!  We hope you had a great year and we hope that 2011 is even better for you.  Have you thought about resolutions?  I have…a lot actually.  I’ve thought about them for me personally, and I’ve thought about them for our site.   It is much easier coming up with them for the site because I know it will be more fun to keep them.

One of my resolutions for the site is to come up with a better challenges, and well, I did it and it isn’t even New Years yet!  Starting tomorrow (Jan 1) we will have a new way we run our challenges!  We want to give you bigger prizes and think this will be the best way!  If you do a challenge you will get an entry to win a $5 gift certificate to the store.  If you do a challenge using 75% Ginger Scraps products you can earn another entry!  The more challenges you do, the more entries you get!  At the end of the month all of the entries will be gathered and three randomly selected participants will receive a $5 gift certificate.  How awesome is that?

Another one of my resolutions is to bring you some new amazing designers to join us.  Guess what?  I did that too!  First, our very own Kathy Winters Designs is now exclusive!  Isn’t that exciting?  I know Ginger and I were jumping up and down when we heard the news!  We are so thrilled to have her on our team and now to have her exclusive?  What a dream come true!

Since I don’t want to limit my resolution to just Kathy, I figured I’ll add a new designer to the team!  Please help me welcome Cari Creates to the family!!

We asked her to share a little bit about herself with all of you and this is what she had to say:

A bit about me: I live in the woods and mountains of beautiful North Idaho with my dear hubby and our 13 year old dog and a wonderful assortment of wildlife. We have two amazing sons – one graduated U of I & got married this year, the other serves on a submarine out of Pearl Harbor. I am a lifelong arts & crafts gal, enjoying graphic design, papercrafts, cardmaking, rubber stamping, decorative painting, cake decorating, and doodling along with photography, baking, and a bit of light gardening. I have been digiscrapping for a few years now, and love to create digital layouts and designs as well as hybrid projects.

You can see her latest news & nature photos at her blog:

You can also find her on Facebook:

Here are some of her kits:

Olde Tyme Junque {the Kit} :: Aged to perfection, the papers and elements in Olde Tyme Junque are beautifully worn and rustic. Rich textures and antique pieces add a nostalgic heritage feel to any scrapbook page. The newspaper-covered chipboard alpha coordinates perfectly, and gives an extra touch of nostalgic dimension to your pages.

Contains: 12 papers + 55 elements + 1 alpha

On sale: $3.15 (regular price: $5.25)


Vintage Island {the kit} :: Aloha! Bring the spirit of the islands to your scrapping with this collection of Hawaii-inspired elements and papers. From footprints in the sand to vintage-style postcards and brightly-colored blossoms, you will find all you need to add a little “aloha” to your pages!

Contains: 18 papers + 40 elements + 1 alpha

On sale: $3.15 (regular price: $5.25)


Welcome to the family Cari!  We are so happy to have you with us!

Now for my 3rd resolution?  To bring you the first issue of Ginger Scrap Street Magazine.  Well, that was planned for a while, and I really didn’t do too much to bring it to you, but it will be out tomorrow, so I guess I can make it a resolution…right?  Did you sign up for it?  No?  Well here is the link.  Make sure you do!  It is free and is amazing.

The 4th resolution?  How about New Releases!  I promise to bring you new releases each week!  So let me keep that resolution too!

If you missed the daily downloads during the 12-Days of Christmas than you might have missed this cute mini-kit by Kathy Winters Designs. Have no fear, if you missed it, you have an opportunity to snag it at a special price through this weekend. Santa’s Helpers is filled with 10 papers and 22 elements designed in a funky, fun, doodled style that will make it fun to scrap those holiday moments.  Regular Price $4.00 Sale Price $2.00


Need a little inspiration? Check out these great layouts using Kathy’s kit in combination with Photocowgirl’s My Favorite Page Templates.



My Favorite Pages Templates by Photocowgirl is 4 templates in PSD format. The templates are inspired by Photocowgirl’s own scrapbook pages.  Full Price: $3.00 Sale Price: $2.40


Here is a layout using Never Stop Growing by Marshmella Designs


…and a freebie just for you, also inspired by one of Photocowgirl’s favorite layouts!  Isn’t she sweet?



Serenity by Julie Marie Designs is oft, peaceful & serene, this pastel feminine kit has just the right touch of navy blue.  Regular Price: $5.00. On sale for $3.75



Frame your Photo of the Day with these fun frames by Creations by Julie. A rectangle and a square for each day of the week. All 7 days included. Change color as you please. Just drag onto your photo and your set.



Ginger has a few new goodies they all cordinate with the Scrap Your Life- 365 Project…. and they are all included in the Mega (keep reading for info on that) Or you can purchase them seperatly for $2.00 each.

She has 2 paper packs-

Scrap Your Life: Project-365~ Paper: Neutral and Scrap Your Life: Project-365~ Paper: Color

These are full paper packs coordinating with the Scrap Your Life: Project-365.

Each color comes in 3 different looks-

  • Craft Paper
  • Folded Heavy Cardstock
  • Textured and Slightly Dotted

Another New product from Ginger this week- Scrap Your Life: Project-365~ Fasteners

This set of fasteners matches perfectly with the Scrap Your Life: Project-365. Perfect for holding down photos, frames, mattes.. just about anything that needs held down.

And she has this fun Monthly Frame set- Scrap Your Life: Project-365~ Frames

Scrap Your Life: Project-365~ Monthly Frames

This set of frames will add a fun touch to your Layout!

All 12 months in rectangular and a left side bracket frame.

Add a date to your layout with style.


And for our Fifth resolution…. This year lets do the 365 challenge- and REALLY stick to it!

I LOVE seeing all the 365 pages in the gallery. I hope by next year at this time I am ready to have my complete 365 album, for 2011, all done and ready to print.

If you followed GingerScraps Scrap Your Life 365 Project throughout 2010 you had a chance to get some amazing goodies! And now look what we have for you…..

This is the whole set! A HUGE collab!! With everything you need to Scrap Your Life all year long! Some of the items in this set have been in the shop for a bit, some of them are brand new! But EVER piece and part are in this mega collab!

You as a shopper have the choice to purchase it two ways-

  • You can purchase the whole mega collab and get ALL the parts and pieces of the Scrap Your Life collection.
  • You can pick and choose which parts you want – each designer has packaged up their goodies and they are all only $2.00 each!

Here is one preview of the collection (of course we couldn’t fit everything on the preview- but you get the idea):

And here is a look at some of the designers parts-

To shop Mix and Match style- Check out the Scrap Your Life: The GingerScraps 365 Project category in the shop.

And Don’t forget- Julie has templates for a WHOLE YEAR of 365 Layouts!!

365 Twenty-Four Seven. Is that how your life goes too?

If you are looking for some templates that are specifically created for those 365 layouts, then this mega pack of 10 templates will do the trick.

If your looking for the perfect template to help you scrap those days where you take lots of pics and want to get many photos on one layout- these templates work like a charm.

It will give you a much needed break from having to decide how to show your week in review. Each layout come with 7 photos and room to journal your thoughts.

Julie is now offering her 365 templates to you in Big templates packs. This is her first set – Weeks 1- 10. She makes a new template EVERY week – but they all go together perfectly…. making the most amazing 365 album ever!!

So just sit back, relax and scrap those memories!

One last note….. Remember to come back for a new Daily Download- Starting on the 1st!! You will LOVE it 🙂

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