Daily Download #24

Okay folks.  I wanted to make sure about next month. Well guess what I found out?  We have daily downloads lined up for quite some time!  No plan on stopping them!  🙂  I even got a sneak peek at next months kit – and I think you’ll like it too!  🙂

So keep spreading the word. Tell all your friends to come visit and get ready for another great daily download in April!  For now – here’s your next piece of this wonderful Everyday Blessings kit from Ellie Lash.


  1. thank you

  2. This kit is getting better with the day 😀 Looking forward to April and the other months….
    Thanks for day 24 of this awesome kit!

  3. Thank you so much for day 24

  4. Thank you ♥♥♥

  5. Thank you for #24!

  6. Monkey Toes Too (Kim) says

    Thank you!

  7. tamis3angels says

    Thank you!

  8. love2learn says

    Yay! Thank you for the great news & today’s download. 😀

  9. Thank you…. Glad to hear that the daily downloads are not stopping. I love coming here everyday. 🙂

  10. thank you so much!

  11. Thanks! If the next month’s is as nice as Ellie’s kit, I’ll be here everyday.

  12. Thank you so much!

  13. Love this kit! Thank you!

  14. Thanks very much!

  15. Thank you!! A lovely download and fabulous news! Thank you to all at Gingerscraps!

  16. Yeppee on the Daily/Monthly Downloads..!!
    ♥ Love them ♥ Thank you so very much !!

  17. thank you for today’s download!!!

  18. crinkletoast says

    awesome. thanks.

  19. thanks for another great download…and awesome news that the daily downloads are continuing:) TY

  20. im totally addicted to the daily downloads…yahooo! thanks so much for sharing!

  21. nanascraps says

    thanks so much for the DDs for this awesome kit….

  22. I’m loving this kit! Thank you.