March Daily Download #1

Before we get to the download – I have to tell you there are some BIG things going on today!  In just a bit a newsletter will go out (and be posted here) with all the news!  You don’t want to miss it!

Have you ever wanted to make those cool forum signatures?  Especially the ones that have multiple links like for a blog, a Facebook page, and Twitter, etc.  Well guess what?  Our lovely Joelle {Daphadilly Art} is hosting a Siggy Scrap & Chat tonight at 9:30p EST.  So you can make an awesome signature AND earn a participation prize.  Here’s a look at the pp:

Okay – so here’s what you really came for!  I’m so excited about this new kit from Ellie Lash – I know you are going to LOVE it!!!  If you are new to the daily download – this is how it works:  Each day I will post the image and it will be linked to the direct download.  The links will be live for about 5 days and then they will be unlinked.  So be sure to come back each day to get your download and you will end up with a full kit!  We love to see your layouts with the daily download so post them in the GS gallery and leave a comment with a link so we can all leave you some love!

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope you have a fabulous day!


  1. Oh, the sneak peak looks super cute!! Thanks very much for the 1st part! xxx

  2. crinkletoast says

    looks adorable. can’t wait to collect all the parts. thanks very much.

  3. Thank you so much. The sneak peek is so cute!

  4. this looks gorgeous! thanks very much, can’t wait for the rest of this one :0)

  5. crystalnva says

    THANK YOU ;~}

  6. Looks so cute. Thanks.

  7. How cute!!! Thank you ♥♥♥

  8. Love the sneak,thanks so much!!

  9. Thank you

  10. The sneak peak looks like it’s going to be super fun! Thank you!

  11. Thanks for today and I hope I can make the siggy game. Sounds like fun…

  12. nanascraps says

    ahhh this looks adorable..thanks for day 1

  13. Awsome, thanks so much. Lovely colors and great elements.

  14. looks adorable! can’t wait for more.

  15. Ooooooooo!!! KITTIES!!!! YAAAAY!!! Too adorable – TYVVVVVM!!

    D 🙂

  16. Looks very interesting. Can’t wait to see what kind of kit we’ll get to collect. Thank you for the wonderful kit last month and looking forward to seing more of your work.

  17. Monkey Toes Too (Kim) says

    Just seeing the sneak peek I know I’ll LOVE this kit. Thank you!

  18. Daphadilly Art says

    oh wow too cute!

  19. sneak peak looks really cute! Thanks

  20. adorable colors! thank you!

  21. Thanks for the daily download and omgosh it looks SO cute! 🙂

  22. Looks beautiful Ellie!

  23. Oh my – it’s going to be an adorable month. I hope I’m not away!! I’ll have to cart the laptop with me LOL – thank you Ellie, I always love your work. Happy St David’s Day! (it’s a Welsh thing)

  24. The sneak peek is so adoreable and I love Ellie’s stuff. Thank you.

  25. Love Ellie Lash’s designs!! Can’t wait to collect the whole kit – thanks for Day 1!

  26. This looks awesome but I can’t find the link for day 1, could someone please please guide me to it?



  27. I know we are going to love it!

  28. Thanks Ellie, this looks like a gorgeous kit can’t hardly wait for the rest

  29. This looks adorable! Can’t wait to see it all. Thanks so much.

  30. I love Ellie’s work, this looks like it will be a super cute kit!

  31. This kit looks super. Thanks Ellie for sharing with us:)

  32. scrappingramma says

    OMGosh this looks so cute
    thanks for sharing

  33. Elisabeth says

    Looks cute! Thanks for day1

  34. Oooh, the preview looks super-cute! Hope I can grab it all. Thanks so much Ellie, your kits are awesome!

  35. Waouh, c’est très mignon. Merci beaucoup pour le partage.

  36. oh wow
    this is way to cute
    thanks for your talent

  37. I thing Ellie’s kit are wonderful! Thanks

  38. Thank You for the Daily Download the sneak Peak Looks WOW!
    One thing for Ellie Lash, in the Little Fuzzies Kit there was no Ratties, I thought I saw one but it was a chinchilla 🙁 Her Kits are Really Beautiful though!

  39. Thanks so much!

  40. This look so adorable in the sneek peek. Thank you for day 1. 🙂

  41. thank you for day 2. 🙂

  42. Thank you very much for the fantastic kit, warm colors and cute elements.

  43. Thanks so much for day 1. Looking forward to this month of goodies!

  44. elenasworld says

    Thank you so much!

  45. Lovely – thank you for day 1

  46. thank you so much!

  47. Thank you so very much !!

  48. Wasn’t able to open Ellie’s cute Day 1 and 2 Sneak Peek. Help!!