March Daily Download #25

Woo Hoo!  We made it to the weekend!  I have big plans this weekend – to work on my blogs!  🙂  I would love to get some scrappin’ done too!  We’ll see.  It’s supposed to be cold (like not even 40) all weekend – so as long as the kiddos cooperate – I’ll get some stuff done!  Do you have any big projects for this weekend?

Be sure to check out all the Fresh Baked Goodies in the store today.  They should all be in the post right below this one… so just scroll down a bit to see what’s going on this weekend!  🙂

Have a GREAT day!


  1. thank you for today’s download and have a great weekend! I should finish my 2010 year in review book, hope i could finish it this weekend… 🙂

  2. Thank you for the lovely download – hopefully this weekend will be a trip to the garden centre and hopefully some time to make Easter Cards! I’m looking forward to it LOL

  3. Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing! xxx

  4. love2learn says

    Thank you! Love it. 😀

  5. Monkey Toes Too (Kim) says

    Thank you!

  6. thank you

  7. Thank you ♥♥♥

  8. Thanks for this part 🙂 LOVE this kit!

  9. Thank You!!

  10. crinkletoast says


  11. Thanks so much! Have a great weekend.

  12. Just stumbled across this and was able to pick up a few pieces. Thanks for sharing and I’ll be keeping an eye out here!!

  13. merci pour le partage 🙂

  14. thank you so much for all the great elements!

  15. thank you

  16. Thanks so much!