Surprise! I have very exciting news for all of you. We have a new designer joining us. Well, she isn’t new to designing, but is new to us. Have you ever had a designer that you just loved? One that you just dream to work with? One that you drool over everything they do? Well that is my relationship with this designer. I guess it is time that I make a confession. Hi, my name is Shannon, and I’m a designer stalker. This designer is one of the designers that I stalk.
Ladies and Gentleman, I would like for you to give a big round of applause for our newest designer
Would you like to be a stalker too? There is plenty of room!
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Since I’m such a huge stalker I figured I could use this opportunity to get more information about her. This is what she had to say when I asked her to tell me…oh I mean us, more about her.
Hello! I’m Jenn of JennCk Designs. It’s so great to be here! Gingerscraps is the very first site I found back in the day when I became a reluctant digiscrapper (I’m a reformed paper scrapper lol). I’ve been designing for 2 years and digiscrapping for almost 3 years.
I’m 38 and live with my boyfriend, Wes, and my 17.5 year old kitty. In my former life (lol), I was a project manager for print and online training development. I always joke that I have tons of bad karma because most of my clients were in cigarettes, alcohol, casinos, and top 10 pharma. LOL I worked 70+ hours/week minimum for so long, my body just had enough. So, I left all of that over 3 years ago. I feel like I’m still recovering from the sleep deprivation. lol
We currently live in the Detroit, Michigan area (Dearborn), but I’ve lived all over the country. I grew-up in Upstate NY and all of my immediate family still reside there. In addition to digital scrapping and designing, I love to play games – all types. I love Farmville, Pogo Games, my Nintendo DS, board games, etc. I also love to travel and we do so as often as we can.
I am excited to be part of the Gingerscraps team and I’m amazed at how much this site has grown and developed over the years. It is all in part to the wonderful community here and lots of hard work. I’m thankful to be part of it all!
Now you can see why I just love her so much!!
JennCK’s designs are great and that was a surprise to see she lives right here in my hometown.