July Feature Designer part 2!

feature designer

Welcome back to our Feature Designer spotlight! In case you missed the introduction, Rachel of Pretty in Green is our Feature Designer for July. Last week we talked about Rachel as a designer, today I’ve got some tidbits on Rachel the amateur photographer!

Do you craft outside of the digital world?

Photography and Sewing, sometimes I just need a break from the computer and if its nice outside I grab my kids and my camera and head to the park, if it’s a nasty day I break out my sewing machine and fabric and usually end up sewing up some kind of dress or skirt for my girly.

Right now I’m pretty excited about photography, I recently got myself a new Nikon D5100 and I’ve been taking some super nice pics of my kids and family. I’m not yet sure if I’ll venture in to a photography business yet, but it sure is fun!


While we’re talking gadgets and cameras, what is the most used App on your phone?

I’m kind of new to the smart phone thing, I got an iPhone earlier this year. The only thing I really wanted it for was for taking pictures, that way I’d always have a good camera with me, so I mostly use Instagram and the camera, and I think I pop on to Facebook way too much, LOL!

Speaking of Facebook, check out Pretty in Green’s Facebook page!  She has fabulous fan freebie available when you Like her on Facebook,

and that’s not all, she also has a funtabulous freebie on the GingerScraps Facebook page, perfect for those Fourth of July photos you took this past weekend.


 Wait wait wait, I’m not finished yet..  I know, it’s like mega awesome Pretty in Green BONUS! Rachel has also created this months Daily Download on the GingerScraps blog!

(image not linked, please see Daily Download post on blog for download links)

So much good stuff, and in case you missed it last week, there is a special coupon for all of you too!

(*one time use per customer) 

I’ll be back next week with more about Rachel, including how she satisfies her sweet tooth and my favorite Pretty in Green kits! Happy scrapping friends!