Happy Tuesday Ladies! I hope your weekend was as great as mine! My football team is going to the National Championships! (GO NOLES!) and my son didn’t cry too much when we went to see Santa! I also made quite a few layouts! Today I am spotlighting the Font Challenge which Love Ewe Designs is hosting this month. She found an awesome font to use in a layout.
I am seriously in love with the font “Are You Freakin’ Serious?” I think it might be my new favorite! This is a hand written font. But it is much better than my own sloppy handwriting which is why I love to use them! This font is so versatile! It will be so easy to use this font for any layout that is on your list to make! And making a layout for the challenge puts you one step closer to earning our great monthly rewards!
There are so many wonderful layouts already made for this challenge, it was hard for me to pick three! But here is a little inspiration for you!
I just love the facial expressions!
Isn’t the quilting awesome!
I am a sucker for big photo masked pictures! If you like these layouts, click on them to leave their creator’s some love =).
Remember to fill out a post in our tracking thread if you are playing along with the challenges this month! I am trying to do a couple of challenges I don’t normally do this month. There’s still tons of time to complete challenges. Hope everyone has a week filled with fun, family and scrapping!
Thank you!!