Archives for July 22, 2015

Scrapping Survivor *Lost at Sea*

It’s Week One of the new season of Scrapping Survivor. During the sign up period there were many questions asking what it was about and what a scrapper had to do. So, this year, on Wednesdays, we’re going to be posting the week’s challenge so even those not participating can see the backstory and put this on their to-do list for next season. Our own sweet Ginger puts so much time into setting this up and she really makes you think. So, on to the first challenge.

The day has come!! You have been counting down the days for so long, you can not believe it is finally here! The first ever GingerScraps Cruise! As you stand in line to board the ship, your trusty laptop under your arm, you get a rush of excitement. You see one of your best digi-friends coming your way, and make a bee-line for her. After you both squeal like teenage girls, you get back into line with your bunk mate for the next few weeks.
Once on the ship and settled into your room, you look at the itinerary for the week. The ship will set sail in just a few hours, followed by the meet and greet. The weeks events look like so much fun, there will be something to do 24 hours of the day, crafting, hybrid, games, contests, and of course non-stop scrapping!
As you freshen up to get ready for the meet and greet, you hear the voice of the ship captain over the intercom. He goes over a few safety regulations, and you feel the boat start to slowly pull away from the harbor. You are off, the digi-scrapping cruise has begun!….

The meet and greet is wonderful, you get to see many of the ladies you have grown so close to over the last few years. You have shared your life with them through the craft you all love, you have seen their children grow up, you have laughed with them in the forums, and chatted with them in the chat room, and now you get to hug them and see them face to face! You are so filled with excitement that you feel like you will never be able to sleep tonight. But once in your cozy pajamas and tucked into your sleeping quarters, you are rocked to sleep by the motion of the this giant floating vessel…..

Awakened from your dream, you hear shouting in the hallway! You rub your eyes and jump up to see what is going on. You pull your door open and stop one of the ladies in the hall, she tells you that there was a large boat that came up alongside of the cruise ship and some women saw men that looked like pirates board the ship! You chuckle, surely this is some sort of game. But then the sounds from the intercom are filling the ship, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a serious situation, go into your rooms, lock your doors, and DO NOT COME OUT!”
You turn and look at your roommate, and then look to the other women in the hallway, panic spreads quickly! You shout that anyone who needs a place to hide, is welcome to come into your room. A few ladies rush to your room, and once the hall is clear, you slam your door and lock it.

How could this really be happening!?

Many hours pass….. you are all starting to get hungry and feeling stir crazy in your small room. You have a brilliant idea! You gather the ladies in your room and tell them your plan. “Lets all dress like pirates! We can try to pretend we are one of them, and see what is going on out there.”
They hesitate but agree that it sounds like a solid plan. You rummage through all the luggage you and your roommate brought and dress the part, makeup, jewelry, and hairdos to match. You all practice speaking in pirate, and when you feel like you are ready…. you crack your door open and walk out into the hall….

Week 1- {Shiver Me Timbers} *The Challenge*

It’s time to show off your pirate disguise. Scrap yourself and or your family and friends in your best pirate disguise.

The Layout Rules-

  • The LO must have a least ONE photo of YOU as a pirate.
  • You can also have photos of family, friends, pets etc… but everyone (even the animals) in the photo MUST look like a pirate.
  • There is no maximum numbers of photos allowed.
  • You can create your disguise using photoshop techniques OR actually dress up like pirates and take photos.
  • It must have the words “shiver me timbers” on your layout. It can be in your journaling, as a word art, as the LO “title” etc. It must be visible.
  • In the Tribal Council forum post, type out your journaling, so all players can read your journaling (if you have any).
  • Templates ARE ALLOWED in this challenge.
  • You must use ALL 100% GingerScraps products when creating your Layout.
  • *Remember* Always credit the products you are using, when posting in the gallery. List the credits in the description box when uploading. When checking layouts, I need to be sure all products are from GS designers- so credits are crucial!!

Here are a few tips/ ideas for your layout composition-

  • Make a day of this! Dress up your family like pirates and take photos! This will be a fun memory for years to come.
    Take a selfie (a photo of yourself) dressed as a pirate.
  • Show off your photoshop skills and turn yourself into Jack Sparrow.
  • Take a look at the Official Scrapping Survivor Season 6 *Lost At Sea* collab! It is an awesome collab and packed full of goodies perfect for your Survivor challenges.

Make sure to check out the layouts posted in the Gallery for this challenge and leave some comments for our contestants.

As a reminder, sign ups are over for this season, but we wanted to share the fun for you to see what it is all about.


DD: July 22

The link for this download is no longer available.

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.