GingerBread Girl Inspiration: Atusia

It is that time again scrappers! The time we take just a moment out of our day to get some inspiration from one of our lovely CT members. Otherwise known as a GingerBread Girl. Today, we are going to take a look at the talented Atusia. Or Beata. 🙂

We are going to take a look at some of her beautiful layouts below. Some of, just a few, that caught my eye. Don’t take my word for it though. Seriously. Make sure you go check out her gallery. Ever lacking in some digital scrapbooking mojo, look no further! Beata really knows how to use a kit! Her layouts are beautifully clusters and have that whimsical look to them. I couldn’t scrap like that if I tried..she does it masterfully!





Fantastic layouts, right? There are so many more in her gallery. Even if you are not lacking in the scrappy mojo, go on over and look around. See what catches your eye. Leave some love…above all…SCRAP! 🙂 We would love to see what you scrap! If you scraplift one of Beata’s layouts, link us up!