We Interrupt Your Regularly-Scheduled Tutorial…

I’m so sorry, y’all. There isn’t a Tutorial Tuesday post this week. I’ve been so sick since Wednesday and don’t have the ability to concentrate hard enough to do much other than decide what my priority will be with my next coughing spell: holding my aching head, trying to keep my chest from hurting, hoping that the gunk I get moving doesn’t escape into the room or trying not to pee my pants. I hope to be back up to snuff by next Tuesday though. Thanks for your understanding.


  1. Tanya/TiggerRD says

    I hope you feel better soon. So sorry you are under the weather!

  2. Oh, no!! That’s a long time to be under the weather!! Hoping & praying that you are feeling better soon… Do take care of yourself, Jan!

  3. sherry pennington says

    Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Robin Inge says

    Hoping you feel better soon

  5. oh no!!!! summer is the WORST time to be sick! it just seems to hang on forever! get well soon!

  6. Feel better soon!

  7. Cel Andelin says

    Take care; hope you are on the way to a complete recovery. Get well soon.

  8. Hope you get well soon. That sounds miserable.

  9. Ellen M Piper says

    Feel better quick!

  10. Thank you all for your get-well wishes. You’re all such lovely people!! I’m feeling a smidge better today, and hope I’ve hit the tipping point… but I still had a temp this morning. We’ll see.

  11. #1 take care of yourself until you are up to snuff. We all deserve to give ourselves a little tender care. Please just know you are appreciated!

  12. Hope you are feeling better! Taking care of yourself is priority.

  13. Feel Better! Take good care of yourself first and foremost!

  14. Hope you are feeling better!

  15. Feel better soon!!!

  16. i pray that you’ll feel better soon!