Archives for March 1, 2020

Fresh Baked: March 1, 2020 & NEW Free With Purchase, New Designers & More!

It’s March! It’s March! In my little part of the world we are enjoying an early spring, the weather has been just perfect for taking photos of the outdoors! Our designers have an awesome mixture of goodies for you today and of course since it is the first of the month, we have a new Free With Purchase, new Challenge Reward, new Guest Designers AND we are welcoming a new Permanent Designer to our family as well!

Let’s start off with one of your favorites … the NEW Buffet!!

Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles, one easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart, and an amazing value too!


 The designers definitely each made the palette their own and came up with some gorgeous designs, each unique but working so well with the other designers’ creations! Scroll down to the end of they newsletter to see some inspiring layouts by our creative team, created using the March Buffet items.

Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get a great new collab! Read, Know, Learn, Go!


The Monthly Mix this month is SO pretty. Bright, sunny and happy! Oh I’m getting so excited for spring!


Don’t stop reading yet! We have two New Guest Designers this month and We are so excited to announce that The Scrappin’ Serenity will be staying with us permanently!

And our we have two new guests this month! Snapdragon Digital Creations

Bio: “My name is Michelle and I’m the designer behind Snapdragon Digital Creations. My family and I live in Southern Ontario, Canada and we are all very big Disney Fans. I discovered digi scrapping back in 2007 and instantly fell in love. With my graphic design background I quickly found myself designing within the first year and I was hooked. After taking a few years off of designing to focus on my family I’m back and loving it.”

Here is a small sample of her work

And we also have Cutie Pie Scraps

Bio: “It’s so nice to meet all of you! I design under the name “Cutie Pie Scrap”. I Love to draw dreaming designs. I’m sure my scrap kits are unique and adorable because I used 85% creating my own fun graphics from my Scrap kits.

I love my family, my husband, especially my Mother. Without my Mother I’d fail in every field of life. My Father passed away due to kidneys failure. My Father was also an artist and Loved to draw sketches. So, designing is my legacy.

I love Baby designs, because I feel that babies are the gift of God. You forgot all worries when you see a pretty Baby’s smiles.”

Here is a small sample of her work

Time for a new Daily Download. Before we jump into the new sneak peek, I have some very exciting news! Connie Prince and Tracy of Trixie Scraps have teamed up in the past with their stunning collaborations and they have decided to come back together! But not only for the month of March, they will be opening up their own North Meets South Studios shop exclusively at GingerScraps! Be sure to stop by the shop to see all their amazing collaborations so far (they have a 30% off sale happening now too!)

Now are you ready to see the sneak peek of March’s Daily Download is brought to you by North Meets South Studios. You all are going to love this! It is gorgeous!

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month. Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, just ten, you get a free kit as well!!


It is time to Bring On Spring!

As promised, be prepared to be inspired!  Here are some layouts from our creative team, all using this month March Buffet! This is just a sample, head over to the gallery to see all the wonderful CT layouts!

 The CT do such a great job showing how well all of the kits blend. They all did wonderful work!