Tutorial Tuesday – Pre-empted

Today’s tutorial has been derailed by a medical emergency with my Dad. He’s back in the ER with severe dizziness and is probably bleeding internally following a procedure he had recently. I just can’t concentrate on anything at the moment. I apologize. Profusely.



  1. Carolyn/crlin says

    So sorry to hear this! Prayers for your Dad! No need to apologize!!

  2. So sorry. Hope everything’s okay!

  3. Tanya/TiggerRD says

    I hope he will be okay and I hope you will be too.
    Sorry this has happened but grateful you are able to support him.
    No apologies needed to us – you take care of your family! XO

  4. So sorry to read this, hope your Dad is okay!

  5. Donna. Dube says

    So sorry to hear this!! Don’t apologize! Your dad comes first! Hope he is ok!

  6. So sorry to hear this! Don’t worry about this blog, don’t apologize! Your dad comes first! Hope he is ok! Sending prayers your way…

  7. I hope your dad feels better soon.

  8. LilyAnn Fisherman says

    Family first. No need to apologize. Prayers being sent.

  9. Ellen Millar says

    Just take take care of your Dad that’s more important. Prayers for him and you.

  10. Prayers for your Dad and you. No apology necessary!

  11. I’m so sorry to hear this Jan. I am sure we all understand where you need to be. Sending best wishes to you and your dad.

  12. sherry pennington says

    So sorry to hear about your dad. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours. Hope all is better soon.

  13. so sorry to hear about your dad. no apologies necessary. my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

  14. Hugs to you! Family comes first! We will be here when you are able to teach us again! Thoughts and prayers for you and your Dad!

  15. Family always comes first! No need to apologize. Prayers for your dad, you and the rest of your family.

  16. Prayers are being said. Please never apologize in situations like these.

  17. Cynthia S..aka ...unruly says

    I pray all will be well with your dad, lean on God during this time.

  18. Sending up prayers for your family — especially for your dad & for you!!! {{hugs!!}}

  19. Oh my goodness. No apology needed. I pray for healing and some peace.

  20. My dad is elderly and lives many miles from me and I know how stressful it is, especially at this time, so sending prayers that all will be well.

  21. So sorry to hear. Keeping you all in prayer.

  22. Sorry to hear about your dad. Prayers go out to him and your family.

  23. Kathi granny5pics says

    I hope that your dad–and you and your family–are doing much better now. I just realized I had missed Tuesday’s tut, so I just now saw this. Take care.