Archives for March 12, 2021

Fresh Baked: MARCH 12, 2021

Welcome to another Friday. It’s an exciting time at GingerScraps with all these fun things happening.

Scrapping Survivor: Season 11 is open for sign ups and we have our annual Win Your Wishlist contest happening now!

Head to the forum for all the details!  WIN YOUR WISHLIST {2021}


This years Scrapping Survivor theme is Craft Fair!!! You can find all the details about Scrapping Survivor in the GingerScraps Forum!


Don’t forget to stop by the shop and pick up the Craft Fair Mega! It is truly AWESOME! Being a crocheter, I LOVE this!!

 Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get this great kit for free. Tea time anyone?

Let’s see what our designers have this week. There are a LOT of previews!

Don’t forget about our challenges. If you complete 10 challenges in March you will get this great full kit as a reward.