Tutorial Tuesday (Photoshop Elements)

Quick Trick: Deselect

PDF Version : https://bit.ly/4aMI2d5

Here we are, on the very last Tuesday of 2023, and I have probably the Quickest Trick I’ve ever shared with you. I’m still in my pyjamas, exhausted from all the Christmas Day busyness, deliberately avoiding all the Boxing Day sales going on. [More about that in a minute.] I’m sure many of you are feeling the same. So without further ado, here’s my Quick Trick for you…

There’s an even FASTER way to Deselect things on your workspace. I know I’m always offering keyboard shortcuts to streamline workflow, and until recently, I didn’t know this was a thing. To refresh, when you’ve Selected something – text, the outer edges of an element for adding Strokes, Styles or custom shadows, an area of a photo you want to tweak… whatever – Select>Deselect is one way to turn off your marching ants. The keyboard shortcut I’ve been giving you is simply CTRL/CMD>D. But wait!!! All you have to do is hit the ESCAPE key!!! That’s it, that’s all!

As promised, I didn’t give you anything long and involved for the final tutorial of the year. Go me! December has been a dumpster fire for me so I’m hoping New Year, New Start, New Nomoredisasters is ahead. I have an Oh-that’s-bad-oh-that’s-good Boxing Day tale for you. On Friday – 3 days before Christmas – the dishwasher we bought brand new when we moved into this house in May 2020 cashed in its chips. Repair Guy came on Saturday and tsked a few times then said, “This is going to be a very expensive repair. I’ll get you an estimate.” [A while later the estimate arrived: >$600.] He put everything back together then said, “If you choose not to repair this one… get a Bosch. Merry Christmas.” Humbug!! Two hours later, thanks to Boxing Day sales that started early, I had a new Bosch dishwasher ordered, with free delivery and haul-away, plus discounted installation. It’ll be here first week of January. Now I’m too broke to shop for anything else. 🙁

I wish all of you a peaceful, healthy 2024.


  1. Kathi granny5pics says

    How can a dishwasher die after 4 years or less?! I’ve been seeing commercials for Bosch refrigerators (California). I hold my breath for my washer and dryer to keep going, let alone the dishwasher and refrigerator. LOL! Merry Christmas to you early (your order) and happy new year for many good things this coming year. And thanks for the tip (but I always escape that way!).

  2. Thanks for all the tutorials that you have put together this year (& in past years, too!) It’s really nice to see a tutorial that’s written just for us PSE users!
    Sorry to hear about your relatively new dishwasher going kaput — but how nice that you found one on sale & with FREE deliver & pickup!!!! May this coming year bring peace … rest … and many blessings! Happy 2024, Jan!!

  3. Anna Johnson says

    I didn’t realize how the escape key could also back a person out of a selection but it makes sense. I’m just so used to Command-D from my decades of photoshop that I can’t unprogram that from my brain. 

    As for the dishwashers, that sucks that your dishwasher of 3 years gave up, poor make, planned obsolescence, take your pick. That’s so expensive. We have a Bosch dishwasher ourselves, we bought it in summer 2015 for about $800, and it’s still going. Best cleanest dishwasher that we’ve ever had too. It’s so good that my parents bought a similar model for themselves and marvel at how good and quiet it is. 

  4. I still automatically CTRL/CMD>D – 100% force of habit. I’ve been learning Cricut’s Design Space and keep turning back to PSE then converting the project to SVG format because DS is so unintuitive. I was making some pictograms last night using basic shapes and found myself on autopilot.


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