Twin Mom Scraps!
It’s my great pleasure to introduce to you Rebecca, aka Twin Mom Scraps. This is her first Spotlight!
One thing quickly became apparent when I was chatting with Rebecca… she doesn’t much like talking about her creative process, so we glossed over that stuff. Check it out…
J: Tell us about your path to designing.
R: I started designing back in 2008 (I think) and continued through 2013. Life got busy with young twin daughters and a booming business, so I took a 10 year retirement. Once my girls graduated high school, I decided to come back in 2023 (although, I never stopped scrapping and have completed albums for every year since they were born!)
J: Wow, I didn’t even start digiscrapping until 2010. Late to the party, as always. What are the colours you love to design with? Do you have one you really don’t like?
R: BLUE is definitely my favorite color. I don’t really have a least favorite, but I guess I am least likely to use the color ORANGE in my designs.
J: So all the “fall” kits are really hard for you, Got it! It’s funny though… I don’t love orange or yellow, but I LOVE scrapping autumn photos. While we’re talking about colour, do you have a green thumb?
R: I have a BROWN thumb. LOL. No matter how hard I try. Things go great for the first few weeks, but then always seem to take a turn…in the wrong direction.
J: I love growing plants, indoors and out. I get lots of compliments for my flowerbeds, and it’s a good feeling. Do I love the workload spring and fall? Not so much. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
R: It is a huge compliment when people say nice things about my kids.
J: I know what you mean! I like hearing nice things about my kids too, although I can’t really take credit for their greatness. None of them went the career direction I expected them to, but ended up being wonderful humans. What did you want to be when you grew up?
R: I think I wanted to be a veterinarian.
J: My oldest wanted to be a doctor, and she is… a PhD-type doctor in a related field. Second wanted to do something with athletes, and instead is a criminal behaviours analyst. Youngest was determined to be an engineer until his brain injury. Now he’s just the light of everyone’s life. We all end up where we’re supposed to, I think. If time travel was possible, would you go back in time or ahead? Why?
R: Probably BACK in time, to give my mom a proper goodbye ☹
J: This time of year will always be difficult for you; it’s barely been a year since she joined your dad in the next world. I wasn’t there when my dad died, but I’m okay with that. He wouldn’t have wanted me there anyway. May I give you a hug? I’m a hugger. I can’t help it. I should put that on a t-shirt, like a warning to unsuspecting strangers. If you had a warning label, what would it say?
R: Don’t ask me a question, if you don’t want an honest answer. I often don’t have a filter.
J: That’s actually a super-power. People will always know where they stand with you. Kinda like Bette Midler. I admire her for that. Do you have a celebrity crush?
R: Paul Walker
J: Ooh, yeah! I can see why. Another one gone too soon. He was a fine actor… I know there are a lot of adjectives we could use describing him. What one word would your family and friends use to describe you?
R: Perfectionist.
J: Ouch. That’s gotta sting! But would you change that?
R: No, I’d worry less if I could
J: I can relate to that too. Thanks for the meet-and-greet, Rebecca. I’m just going to tell everybody about the business side of all this now. Safe home, ‘k?
As part of her Spotlight, Rebecca is providing this month’s Daily Download. Have you checked it out? Every one of us with kids will find it useful. 😉 She’s also hosting this month’s Designer Spotlight Challenge in addition to her usual Memory Mix-Up Challenge. She has generously provided a HUGE discount code for her GS store too!
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